Daman Wayans Actions Should Be An Insult To All Self-Respecting African Americans

by H. Lewis Smith Thursday, Mar. 09, 2006 at 4:24 PM
huhi3139@aol.com 310-712-2662 8306 Wilshire Blvd. #316 Beverly Hills, CA 90211

As a comedian and actor Daman Wayans is about as good as they come, however and unfortunately, for the past 14 months Daman Wayans has been trying to trademark the term “Nigga” for a clothing line and retail store and so far his application is being denied, citing the word as being immoral, scandalous and disparaging. It is a sad day in America when the system has to save us from ourselves. Have we become our own worse enemy?

The N-word. Everyone knows it, but many will not use it. Except for African Americans. They seem to have no problem using this derogatory term within their communities and as part of their culture. Needless to say, that in light of the explosive use of the word on rapper CD’s, the green light has officially been given to other races to freely use the word…and they do.

There are those African Americans who simply do not get it or don’t want to get it…for almost 400 years they have been programmed and conditioned to relate to the N-word and now find themselves inseparable from it. Back in 1945 when the black soldiers returned home from WWll—after fighting for their country—they were greeted with jeers of don’t forget “You will always be a nigger”. Year 2006, 61 years later there are those African Americans who have not forgot and still identify with this word and will go to any length to justify their embracing and affectionate use of a word that they have been programmed to identify with for almost 400 years.

For the African American users of the N-word who see nothing wrong in referring to themselves as niggas try approaching a Jew and refer to them affectionately as a kike or hymie, or a Latino as a wetback or approach a police officer and call him a pig and then tell them its okay—its just a word—and you should not mind being referred to in such a manner.

Of course you would not dare…because these people would immediately be up in arms against you. Yes! They think too much of themselves to go around degrading and demeaning themselves and will not allow you to degrade and demean them, their standards are way too high and they have too much self-respect to allow that to happen.

African American users of the N-word on the other hand have no self-respect, self-esteem is virtually non-existent combined with self-hatred, have set and accepted the lowest of standards for themselves and wonder why…they can garner no respect from other races.

This mindless act of self-contempt should be totally unacceptable by those African Americans who are not confused and do have high self-esteem and opinion of themselves as well as of their rich, rewarding history and tradition. Lest not forget that silence implies approval and acceptability. A national hot-line has been established to explore what can be done to stem this escalating tide of traveling down the road of self-disrespect and self-contempt.

If you are interested in taking part in a national movement to derail the current trend…of an indigenous lackadaisical attitude with regards to self-respect, pride, dignity, integrity and strength of character…please go to my website, click on the Contact Us page let your feelings be known and information will be forwarded to you as to how to gain access to the national hot-line. Do not think for one moment that you are helpless and can do nothing about this insane, contemptible, self-defeating usage of the N-word; you have more power than you realize. Let’s learn to work together to raise the bar towards higher excellence and standards. No longer should we be content and complacent with wallowing in the mire of lower standards than the rest of the human race.

You can learn more about the author and the book by visiting his web site: http://www.burythatsucka.com