Antidote to anti-Islamists

by Cato Lives! Wednesday, Feb. 08, 2006 at 3:54 PM

Monkey-Wrench the Zionist Warmongers!

Holohoax Cartoon Online Now! Publicize it!

As noted in the last Hoffman Wire, since turnabout is fair play, the
Iranians are seeking cartoons satirizing the "Holocaust" in order to
test the supposed "tolerance" of the pro-Zionist West, which has been
acting morally superior to the Muslims in loudly (and hypocritically)
declaring their "historic commitment to freedom of the press and

In 1989 this writer commissioned a professional cartoonist to produce a
glossy magazine, "Tales of the Holohoax" based on a concept I designed
and for which I wrote the script.

If cartoons making fun of Muhammad are not only permitted, but
disseminated all over the world by the BBC and other "prestigious"
media, why is it not legitimate to have some revisionist fun at the
expense of the holy hoax, while testing the sincerity of the West's
pompous pronouncements with cartoons of our own?

Therefore, I have posted one of the satirical cartoons from "Tales of
the Holohoax" online here:

==Be sure to click on the cartoon to enlarge it to full-size==

If this particular cartoon receives sufficient publicity, I will post
more "Tales of the Holohoax" cartoons online.

Biut if it is mostly ignored by my "fellow revisionists" and other
"online activists", I will put the comic book back in retirement.

In promotions of this type, which have such a tremendous potential to
turn the tide and monkey-wrench the smug business-as-usual Zionist
supremacy which pervades the western world, we need assistance from all
hands -- we need massive, grassroots publicity from each and every one
of you!

You can help to spread the word about this cartoon's URL. If you do, it
may be that the Iranian journalists will pick up on it and disseminate
it all over the Muslim world. Then let us see what reaction the US and
European media will have when the shoe is on the other foot, when their
own sacred cow is gored for a change, and their state religion
(Holocaustianity) is satirized.

This can only be achieved with a huge groundswell of publicity. Will you

Here again is the URL:

Monday, February 06, 2006
Holohoax Cartoon: Satirizing Holocaustianity

Illustration Copyright ©Michael A. Hoffman II. All Rights Reserved


This cartoon satirizing fake relics and certain other absurdities of the religion of Holocaustianity, is published as an antidote to the anti-Muhammad cartoon circulated by the establishment media throughout the West, beginning in Denmark.

There should be freedom of the press for everyone, not just for Zionists and those opposed to Islam.

"The west condemns any denial of the Jewish 'Holocaust,' but it permits the insult of Islamic sanctities."
--Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

The preceding cartoon is excerpted from Hoffman's 20-page illustrated magazine, "Tales of the Holohoax: A Journal of Satire."

For further research:
posted by Michael A. Hoffman II at 8:51 PM

Anonymous said...
That's terrific, Michael! Let's see more of this comic book.

7:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Would love to see the material on footnote 7...the magic pen and footnote 8...the magic barber shop!

Please advise where.

As always, good work!

Patriot Act aka Enabling Act.

9:09 AM
Anonymous said...
Post more of this educative comics and cartoons - excellent!

9:31 AM
Dale Schnur said...
Years ago I bought a copy of this comic book from Michael, and, in the truest sense of the word, it is comical. I have seen it reproduced elsewhere without attribution, and have made efforts to see that Michael gets the credit for it.

1:01 PM
Carlos, Brazil said...
Ok. I send the images to all of my email adresses. Waiting for more.
God save Ahmadinejad!

1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
I really hope this finally sheds some light on this whole hoax once and for all, but of course, like all of us, I fear it will simply be used as an excuse to bomb Iran. Imagine bombing a country over a cartoon dispute? Well, we've seen stranger things, of course. This Ahmadinejad might just be our 21st Century Che!