2 days in Tucson

by Gallagher Sunday, Feb. 05, 2006 at 8:21 AM

12 new towers have been installed along I10 in Eastern Arizona within last 3 months....

2 days in Tucson...
pdrm9608.jpg, image/jpeg, 592x311

2 days in Tucson Arizona and vicinity has shown me that the Mesquite Mutation Event of 2005 (http://www.luxefaire.com/musquite2005/index.html) extended from central arizona, and all the way to eastern New Mexico, at least. NM governor richardson is trying to disprove the mutations by spending lots of state money with his environmental people, but he is just a great liar, like all these wishful thinkers and nigger-chimps such as bush, who are really deploying mind control technology and depopulation chemicals in the skies of America daily. Many of the brainwashed are claiming these chemtrails are natural and from God. For 100 years they have been working on these weak minded fools, and it is these holier-than-thou apes who are the death of America. Hail satan and his servant jesus christ. IMPEACH AND EXECUTE bUSH.