The Mayanization of Marxist-Leninism

by Sam Libby Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006 at 7:29 PM

Where the Zapatista Army (EZLN) is coming from.

travel narrative by sam libby

The Mayanization of Marxist Leninism

Long before the priests arrived, the Mayan Language speaking people of Central America worshipped the cross. To them the cross was the great nourishing Ceiba Trees -- the pillars of the universe.

When the black robes came with their cross with the dead Jew nailed on it -- of course they were interested. Yeshua ben Yosef became synchronized with Kukulkan/Quatzocoatyl, first ancestors, self-sacrificing agricultural Gods, who died in the earth -- like the seed -- to live -- humans who became God and wrestled with the primal, quantum energies of the universe -- who looked full into the face of the mystery that surrounds and pervades the human condition -- who changed the circumstances of the human --for the better - transcendent liberators of the human.

At most all Zapatista events, Zapatista places the image that dominates is Che´s. even more that Zapata who himself was the most indigenas, the most beloved, and the most betrayed of the Mexican Revolution.

Che in life was an orthodox Marxist-Leninist. Before Che was tortured and killed by the Bolivian Military and the C.I.A., Marxist-Leninism was a thing of white, foreign intellectuals with no relevance to the struggle of Mayan life. But after he was tortured and killed - after the indigenas women who cleaned his body before burial had visions of Yeshua ben Yosef with a gun, he became synchronized with Kukulkan, first ancestors -- became a human who becomes God. And Marxist -- Leninism became Mayanized.

The Mayan uprising in Guatamala, the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas is the result.

The legend of Sub-Commandante Marcos is that he starts out being a very white, very foreign, Marxist-Leninist intellectual who comes to live with the Mayans.. He starts out being an orthodox Marxist Leninist believing that the party is the vanguard of the revolution, the vanguard of humanity-to-be.. That it is up to the party when the revolution begins.

But then Marcos becomes Mayanized.. He listens. He observes. He see´s that of course the most important thing for indigenas people in the Americas is the dispossession of their land - that indigenas people are ruins of themselves without the land - that now is the time for the revolution -- that the dispossessed must be re-possessed.. It is about tierra y libertad -- land and the liberty of being who you are.

The land will be collectively worked so it can be efficiently worked. But everyone has their own. Everyone has their fair share. And everyone is joyous about giving the sweat of their brow to that which is bigger than one´s self -- just as their ancestors in the great classical age in the 5th Century were joyous about giving the sweat of their brow to the construction of the great cities.

To remain true to his legend Marcos will have to be synchronized with Yeshua, with Kulkulkan, with first ancestors, with Che.

And they´re hard acts to follow.

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Original: The Mayanization of Marxist-Leninism