Tyler Nordgren, Conglomco

Tyler Nordgren, Conglomco

by s Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 7:16 AM
smallworldpodcast@gmail.com 1-619-377-0538

Interview with Tyler of Conglomco about culture hacking

Tyler Nordgren, Cong...
photo-conglomco.gif, image/gif, 100x100

Interview with Tyler Nordgren of Conglomco. We discuss the subversive nature of Conglomco; social hacking; The Yes Men; the founding members of Conglomco; matching skill sets for each project; the META[CC] project; providing closed captioning from user input; copyright issues hijacking corporate media; Franklin Furnace; the January 25 launch date for the beta version of META[CC]; the ReTag project; the danger of reinforcing the powers of logos by hijacking logos; world wide recognition of the McDonald’s and Coca-Cola logos; Nike’s advertising campaign; putting money back into the local economy by hiring workers to remove the logos; the public’s reaction to ReTag; how ReTag lead to the Peoples Jeans Co. project; parodying Diesel; the Re-Code project; The Carbon Defense League; HACTIVIST.COM Tactical Media Network.

Featured song is "Swang" by HB Squadron.

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