Write a letter to Congress!

by The New World Order Resistance Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 2:04 AM

Demand that Articles of Impeachment be introduced!

Write a letter to Co...
impeach.jpg, image/jpeg, 210x203

Demand that Congress uphold the Constitution and hold Bush and other high government officials accountable for their actions in violation of the law and in violation of the trust of the people. Impeachment is a constitutional imperative. Not only is it necessary as the means of accountability for high officials to the people of the United States, but it is required as a deterrent to prevent all those who would seek to hold high office from committing acts of lawlessness.

Please let your friends and family know about this important campaign. There are over 600,000 signers who have voted for impeachment. Please ask all those you know to come to the http://www.impeachbush.org/ website and vote to impeach as well as send a message to Congress demanding that they take the proper course of action and introduce articles of impeachment.
