Wrong Approach

by Pachuco Friday, Dec. 30, 2005 at 11:33 PM

We may be able to find a middle ground in resolving the issue of unregulated migration into the US from Mexico.

Wrong Approach...
amlo.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x302

All of us are taking the wrong approach to solving the problem with unregulated migration.

The Anties will only support regulated entry into the US and want Mexico to take responsibility for its citizens’ welfare to reduce the number of persons coming to the US to find prosperity.

The Open Border people want the US to allow unregulated migration but also want Mexico to take responsibility for it human rights violations.

We should barter a trade off. Let’s agree to provide the undocumented immigrants that are already here with a contingency residency that will allow them to work and, based on their behavior, offer them the ability to become US citizens.

Let’s join forces and demand that the US assist the next president of Mexico, which will probably be Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), so that he can reform Mexico and reduce poverty, provide jobs and healthcare and build its economy so that people won’t have to leave in search of a better life.

AMLO has stated that he wants to address the immigration problem and with our support he could succeed. Unlike Fox, who has catered to Bushco to advance US Business interest in Mexico, AMLO will put a stop to that and move for his proposed reforms.

AMLO promises 50 reforms. This is a list of the top five:

1) Recognize the rights of the Indigenous

2) Establish a pension for the aged

3) Provide financial support for the disabled

4) Socialize Medicine and Healthcare

5) Guarantee a minimum wage above inflation

The top 20 include these reforms:

9) Guarantee free public education

11) Build 200 high schools and 30 public universities

12) Fund scientific studies

14) Support programs for the arts and culture

15) Promote literacy

17) Support agricultural reform

20) To grown lumber producing timber

Here is the site that list all 50 reforms http://www.lopez-obrador.com.mx/compromisos.html. It’s in Spanish.

Original: Wrong Approach