Bush Says He's Above the Law: So Did King George!

by Steven Black Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005 at 11:04 AM

Roll over, Sheeple.

Bush Says He's Above the Law: So Did King George!

Steven Black

Bush says he's above the law and that he will continue to break the law, with impunity.  Bush believes he can do this because he believes that you are servile sheep.  The fact is, he's right.  From what I've seen so far, you are servile sheep, so get used to your rights being violated and while you're at it, expect the situation to worsen as violations of privacy progress to outright murder of U.S. citizens who disagree with the dictator.  Once a dictator makes his dictatorial status known, the psychological barrier that held him back is breached and he will go forward and do what he wants, including wiping out everyone who disagrees with him.  This is what you should expect from unchecked abusers of power.  Once they cross the line unimpeded, the sky is the limit.  Slitting the throats of your loved ones is next.

Of course, if you weren't spineless servile sheep, you would be out in the streets in open rebellion, you'd be refusing to work, you'd be burning down government buildings, arming yourself, and fighting a revolution.  That, however, won't happen because you're chicken-shit.  You're addicted to your televisions, your cars, your fat stomachs, and your weekly pay check.  You became useless peasants years ago, only you were too stuffed with junk-food and dressed up too sharp in your sweatshop-produced clothes to realize it.  As the slithering snake of fascism began strangling your freedom, you were too busy watching televised virtual reality to see the real world around you transformed into shit.

Instead of investing the energy required to regain you're freedom, you'll just don your I-POD headphones, turn on some Rage Against The Machine and convince yourself that just whispering "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me," to the beat makes you free.  You'll put on your black mask at the next protest and imagine that you're at war with the state and then run when the cops come to stop you and when the protest is over, the cops will still have their guns and you will still have shit because you didn't have the guts to redistribute the arms in the only way that would have worked.

Enjoy your grazing lands, Sheeple.  You get what you deserve. Today you graze but tomorrow you'll be mutton.