The CIA Eastern European Terror Prisons

by Todd Davis Sunday, Dec. 11, 2005 at 7:38 PM

A short article about the CIA torture prisons in Eastern Europe.

The latest location for the CIA terror torture chambers has surfaced in Eastern Europe. The most recent revelations in regard to Eastern Europe have occurred in addition to the
previous CIA prison system in Jordan, Afghanistan, and Egypt.

The Soviet style secret prisons have been purposely placed outside the US to evade US restrictions upon torture by the CIA. Many of the terror torture centers are apparently in

According to Dana Priest: “The detainees break down roughly into two classes, the sources
said. About 30 are considered major terrorism suspects and have been held under the highest
level of secrecy at black sites financed by the CIA and managed by agency personnel,
including those in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, according to current and former
intelligence officers and two other U.S. government officials. Two locations in this category -
- in Thailand and on the grounds of the military prison at Guantanamo Bay -- were closed in
2003 and 2004, respectively.”

There have been allegations of the abuse, and torture of detainees in Poland, and Romania in a manner similar to the torture at Abu Ghraib. Human Rights watch has made allegations that the CIA has regularly engaged in the torture of prisoners in these secret prisons.

The latest torture revelations have occurred just as Secretary of State Rice has left Europe. Rice appeared to distance herself from Vice President Cheney’s alleged support for CIA torture, and seemed to embrace Senator McCain’s legislation reducing torture. However,
Rice has a history of saying one thing in Europe, and then lock stepping behind the support for torture when she returns to the US.

Polish Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz has launched an investigation into the CIA
torture chambers in Poland. One has to wonder if the Marcinkiewicz is really launching a serious investigation, or if he was in on the decision making process with the CIA, to setup the secret prisons to begin with.