Deeds not words

by Murdock Cote Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005 at 11:39 PM

words are cheep

“Deeds Not Words”

An editorial

Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

How do you judge a government, that has made mistakes from end of our Nation to the other; so far in two thousand and five; domestic policy is not negotiated, in the last five it is rammed down our throat by a Republican controlled house and Senate. We sadly also have a republican in the White House who could care less about the basic American on the street. The poor, the low income, the disabled, the mentally ill, the disturbed, his government want the poor, the disabled and the elderly to pay the bill.

They want their class not to pay for the social welfare programs; you know things like oil assistance, food stamps, and shelters keeping elderly in their homes by not allowing town to seize their property because they can’t pay the taxes, retraining they won’t fund for displaced workers, who by the way were displaced the RNC and their carpet bag government who outsource jobs to china, southeast Asia, the middle east, to India and Pakistan to even in our hemisphere places like South and Central America.

In a 52-47 vote in the Senate and then the house seems to want to ram cuts down our throats as well. They have cut - Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and education, job retraining. With their screw the low income and the poor, and the disabled and the disturbed and the elderly; they clam they are doing what’s good for America have not seen it yet. Mouth, double take, double speak, using word people don’t understand because of threw lack of education, double talk and fear you use to get your way that’s their domestic policy, their foreign policy is a total farse, on September 11, 2001 we got sucker punched by Elgaieda which in Islam means base, they are nothing but thugs murders and rapist; they Muslim in anyway or form. In a battle plan you focus on thing and one thing only killing the enemy which is Elgaieda.

He the president of the United States of America has lost focus in protecting this country and making the people pay for the murders of two thousand nine hundred and some odd people.

He has decided to have his own little Vietnam and his friend our making a tiny-big profit in oil; yeah he got rid of a dictator. Who was no threat to anyone and also Mr. Bush he had bio-nuclear or chemical he would have used it. You cut liheap to thousand in the north, you cut shelters and help and food for the homeless. During one of the coldest winters in my years I have seen.

Here in county we had temps ranging from 15 to 18 degrees, tonight it may snow; how many in Boston will die? How many in New York die? How many in Seattle and every other northern city will die from hunger, and hypothermia, lack of medicine well you fight your illegal war in Iraq. What are your own people’s worth? Let’s guess fifty barrels of oil, money for your war that should have never been started. What the total cost is in blood to our country, well let’s see two thousand and seventy soldiers and how many wounded for the lies you tell to the American people. How many more will fall for lies with their blood.

Energy is a vital part of our country, yet a leader would build a hundred reactors, solar panel farms and satellites energy relay stations, ethanol fuels, organic fuels, bio fuels get them up and running and we cut the Middle East imports of oil and we cut their choke hold on our homeland. But you sir are the leader we don’t need or don’t want. Economy growth 4% were in the arms manufacturing or kissing the Saudi King’s hand, you are a bought president no one elected you and your deeds well this writer thinks they are fracking crazy.

They say you have an MBA from Harvard, yeah right my fracking grandfather’s grave you do. Your agenda is nothing but fear and lies and scar tactics and your deed no less ugly to the American People, to every religion, culture, sub culture, people you are a usurper and a liar. The people in the Middle East hate us because one, we are former Europeans. So even a Texas jackass will know, the pope in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth century called for what he a holy crusade to free the holy land. All they did was rape the Middle East of gold and precious metals. You know something they taught tolerance and forgiveness which are the teachings of all religions. The first written word was that of Allah, or God, or Jehovah or Buddha. Read the Quran and understand their hate for us as a country as nation. A leader would pull out of the middle East, all technology, technicians, military, military hardware and money and tell them to go to fracking hell, also ban all military sales, oil technology, everything but you won’t be cause you are a crooked politician Russell Crowe said in his movie Master and Commander trying to find the enemy is like trying to find an honest man in parliament.

Someday we will restore honest government, and we will have honest men and women in our legislature and in our White house. Once the people see you for what you are a storm will come and clean our capital of the carpet baggers and thieves like you and the right wing ideals and hate from our land. You say you are the leader of the free world you are not, you say we are fighting an axis of evil; you and big business are the only evil in our land, you have betrayed everything, your oath, your nation and your people. I do not know if you even see any of what I have written, but I will not stop written or speaking against you and the cancer that is the right wing republican party; we can be independent of oil, or everything from outside our borders when we have leadership that does not buy into the whore that is oil and the middle east. They want us out then get out with our technology, our military, our money our people and let them kill each other as they have done for a thousand years and will do for a thousand more as for Israeli’s they can go bye, bye too. A real leader would break all diplomatic relations with the Middle East and tell them to go to hell, and if they start a fight again with us like they did September 11, 2001, we send them a message, it called a b1b, and a B52 Cocktail over their capitals every time they kill an American anywhere in the world we flatten there capitals. We need to stop propping up dictators and putting our noise where it doesn’t belong and start taking care of our people which the present government could care less about. Mr. Bush we are all Americans, be we straight, religious, red neck, Asian, Middle Eastern, wasp, or member of the lgbt community, the documents you swore an oath to uphold means everyone not just the chosen few or the Limbaugh’s or the religious right. These rights and privileges belong to every American gay, lesbian transgender. Bi-sexual, straight minority, Native Americans every body and no state or leader may take or curtail these rights we have fought and bled for from Boston Common to the bloody killing fields of Iraq.

You should know that the lgbt community has fought and died for this country and to free Europe and Asia from the Nazi and the Japanese and Italians and what they did in the forty’s, and the atrocity’s of Auswitz-Bukenow, Sobey Bore, the Warsaw ghetto, and the many death camps in Europe forty million died, six million Judeans, a million gypsies, gays and lesbians, a million intellectuals and clergy died in these camps because of their religion, because they were mentally ill, or disturbed because they were gay and lesbian because they opposed Hitler and his Arrayan ideals, to the former Yugoslavia to Somalia and every bush war that you could think off, we have seen what the Nazi did in Germany from 1933 to 1945, we saw what the Serbs did in the Balkans, we said no more and Nato went in with us and we stopped the holocaust in world war II, patriots died fighting the Nazi to stop the holocaust, how many were tortured mutilated hung on hooks like meat.

We swore as a nation as did the world never again would we allow people to slaughter innocents and we stopped it in the Balkans, we tried to stop in Somalia but we failed; but our deeds showed we were the leader of the free known world and we at least tried, we saw what happened in Rhowanda when the United Nations did nothing in this world we are judged for our deeds not what we say or what others have us say we are judged for what we do.

In every war the United States has been the lgbt community has fought right alongside straight people, religious people and so on. They served in silence but they served, with honor and distinction and with pride. Ronald Reagan told the former Soviet leader to tear down the Berlin wall, we Mr. Bush we are going to turn the lights on and tear down the walls of silence and intolerance and hate in the military and in our country. We are going to start being Americans, and as far as this writer is concerned the far right wing Republican Party can go to hell. Because civil rights are for everyone, shelter is for everyone warmth in winter in for everyone and a night with out fear is for everyone. You know we could stop the drug smuggler and the people trafficker by just having operation sea dragon in the gulf and along the border with Mexico. You won’t do it because most likely you are getting paid by the corrupt government in South America growing this posin. Yeah I am mad, so that is why I am yelling so you and you government can hear even though you are death as a post. Deeds not words sir

Original: Deeds not words