Enmity=Money X Change2

by R.A. Hawkins Monday, Nov. 28, 2005 at 7:49 PM

I always liked the way Einstein said it: “In my opinion, only two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, but I’m not sure about the first.”

There are quite a few people who think that our world is far more dangerous now than it ever was. They are wrong, but fifth column thinking makes it seem so and tends to perpetuate the foolishness that makes the world dangerous. We no longer see things clearly or deal with them directly. I always liked the way Einstein said it: “In my opinion, only two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, but I’m not sure about the first.”

On November 1st the Russians tested a new re-entry vehicle that is designed to dodge one of our ABMs. I would like to add as a side note that it was Bill Clinton that decided our ABM system had to be a bullet hitting a bullet. That made it easier for the enemy to get around our system once it was created. We’ll be able to fix that little problem without too much trouble however.

Many see this new re-entry vehicle as a return to the cold war. I’m not one of them; I never did buy into the mantra about the peace dividend, and the only thing that really happened is that the enemy put a smiley face on their dark empire. One of the problems with tyranny is that it’s a lot like getting a rash. It takes a long time to get rid of it. The Soviet Union had a lot to do with creating Hitler and they also helped to create Red China. Don’t forget that Hitler turned on Russia and the Red Chinese will eventually turn on Russia too.

Now. Was the world ever more dangerous? Were there ever weapon systems that created earth-shattering shifts? Yes there were. The building of fortresses was one such change. The making of armor for the knights to ride around in during a battle smashing heads with impunity was one of those little changes. But the invention of the cross bow and the addition of a little bees wax on the end of the arrow point ended the knight’s safety net. That little ball of wax allowed the arrow to stick just long enough to begin to bite into the armor rather than glance off. It also brought cries of foul from the people who ordered those knights to attack in the first place. The invention of real artillery brought about another change. Siege engines were okay, but a cannon could flat blow a wall right out from under you. That made fortresses obsolete. But all of those things cost money.

Right now we’re supplying the money for the new weapons systems China is buying. If you don’t believe me go look at the made in China labels on about everything for sale and read up on what China is both saying and building. Russia is being kept alive by this spending because among the things they are still manufacturing are weapons systems. China is their biggest buyer. So as you may, or may not, see things really haven’t changed all that much. They have shiny new labels on them and they look prettier, but they’re still the same. Only the weapon systems have improved. Speaking of weapons systems, what about the disinformation the left-wing loves so dearly?

Now we have another fifth column in our country. We have the terrorists, which no one seems to be keeping a very good eye on because it just isn’t Politically Correct to do so. Political Correctness was spawned by the other fifth column in our country, the left-wing fourth estate. Even today they say the same stupid things they used to say. They are more concerned with whether a person’s feelings are hurt than whether they’re a threat to us or not. It was the same during Vietnam. They did their gesture based group hugs for the Khmer Rouge and then were surprised when the executions started. They even had love-ins in favor of not using military force to stop people who don’t care about anything but gain. They still tend to feel that the voices that don’t agree with them are censorship.

The point is this: Nothing has really changed, only our capacity for destruction. If our ability is better than theirs they won’t attack. The mere fact that Russia has developed this weapon system shows they still want to have a go at us. Russia has gone back to being what they used to be more openly, except they’re wearing that smiley face. Have you noticed how quiet the liberals are regarding human rights in China? They haven’t learned a thing and they haven’t been right on anything yet.

Below you will find a link to an interesting article on a Russian who was arrested for defrauding our government. As soon as he was arrested the Russians filed their own charges so they can try to have him extradited back to them. It seems this guy knows a lot of things they don’t want us to know. I hope he sings like a canary. If the big media touches this it will be to back the Russians. I suspect they’ll quietly try to ignore it.

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R.A. Hawkins is the author of "Through Eyes of Shiva", available through http://www.amazon.com/. Visit http://www.entropical-paradise.com/ -- Entropical Paradise - The Home Of R.A. Hawkins for more commentaries and editorials by R.A. Hawkins.

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© 2005 R.A. Hawkins