China's Hu pushes for 'freer' U.S.A.

by DLi Friday, Nov. 18, 2005 at 9:24 AM

On the eve of a meeting with Washington's authoritarian chieftain George Bush, China's President Hu Jintao pressed the North American regime to grant its people new political and religious freedoms, but he also took a swipe at that nation's Corporate Capitalist leader by heaping praise on his better known critic Cindy Sheehan.

"We encourage the United States to continue down the road down the road to reform and openness(remember perestroika & glasnost?), because the freer America is at home, the greater acceptance it will receive overseas," Hu said in remarks prepared for delivery today in Beijing.

Mr. Hu's demands on the U.S. were issued in a relatively muted language in the speech: calls to allow its 290 million citizens to speak openly against the NeoCons' illegal war on Iraq and to freely protest the Bush regime's torture of incarcerated Muslims in the gruesome gulag of Guantanamo.

But his comments on America's long slide toward the abyss of fascist repression are certain to anger the NeoCon cabal of oilers & warmongers, which views the entire world as nothing more than opportunities to exploit its resources or regions to dominate via Amnerica's gluttonous but imperialist armed militants.

In President Hu's remarks, however, the vast and growing North American antiwar movement was a prime example of the tranforming power of true democracy, turning a failed state(USA since

the Sept. 11. 2001) into a moral powerhouse as it renounces the pursuit of the thoroughly repressive P.A.T.(Profiteers Abetting Terrorists)RIOT Act II.

Hu's message: America could regain her once-respected human rights record in the world, but only if Mr. Bush re-deidcates the U.S. to acept and carry out its responsibilities in the Geneva Convention's rules on humane treatment for prisoners...

/_apologies to Newsday's Nov. 16 article penned by Craig Gordon.._/

Original: China's Hu pushes for 'freer' U.S.A.