SWARM the Minutemen - Phone Jam NOW!

by SWARM the Minutemen Friday, Oct. 21, 2005 at 2:53 PM

The Minutemen are really ramping up their media campaign, including a major rally in Sacramento to promote their California Border Patrol initiative, an attempt to further militarize the border and our communities at the cost of more people's lives. Recently, they testified before congress ( http://www.dakotavoice.com/200510/20051018_6.html ) to ask that congres declare a state of emergency along the entire border. Clearly, they want more policing of our lives and communities, they want unrestricted fascism on the border. Still, resistance to the Minutemen ( http://www.deletetheborder.org/ ) has been powerful and is still growing, all across North America.

SWARM the Minutemen ...
swarm.jpg, image/jpeg, 750x150

Here are the phone numbers they're providing for media access in their press advisory. Do you have any interesting ideas for phone jamming? How about txt messaging? Is there an automated way to do it, or is just calling them and giving them a piece of your mind the best strategy? In the past, the imitation factor has been effective, pretending to register as a volunteer. Maybe pretending to set up lots of interviews around town is a good idea. Have fun, and we'll see you in Sacramento on October 29th at 10am to disrupt the Minutemen rally ( http://www.indybay.org/news/2005/10/1774302.php )!


MEDIA ACCESS will be facilitated at the rally and at film showing on Oct. 29.

In the meantime other availabilities can be arranged with participants.

Minuteman Civil Defense Corp: CONTACT: Connie Hair 703-822-4665

9-11 Families for a Safer America: CONTACT: Peter Gadiel, 860-927-3822

California Border Police Initiative: CONTACT: Assemblyman Ray Haynes, 916-319-2066

Gilchrist Campaign: CONTACT: Tim Bueller, 949-588-8683.

Friends of the Border Patrol: CONTACT: Andy Ramirez, 909-613-9211

“Cries From the Border,” CONTACT: May Kolbe 520-366-5779

Doug Alan: CONTACT: Thomas Sapper 415-898-5078.

Dan Sheehy: CONTACT: Dan Sheehy, 310-544-1918

and Roger Canfield (the main Sacramento rally organizer) can be reached at 916-961-6718

Original: SWARM the Minutemen - Phone Jam NOW!