Democratic candidate says "Hats off to Jim Gilchrist" the Minuteman

by John Earl Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2005 at 3:10 AM Orange County

Steve Young, the Democratic Party candidate for the 48th congressional seat (South Orange County, replacing Christopher Cox) sucks up to the Minuteman, Jim Gilchrist, recently on KFI's John and Ken show.

video: windows media at 2.8 mebibytes

Democratic Party candidate Steve Young recently joined Jim Gilchrist in blaming undocumented immigrants for our state's problems and said we should "take our hats off" to him. For ongoing coverage an analysis of the Minuteman campaign and the special election to replace Christopher Cox in the 48th congressional district. I have attempted to upload a video file of Steve Young praising Jim Gilchrist. If you can not see it here, please go to

John Earl

Orange County Organizer

Original: Democratic candidate says "Hats off to Jim Gilchrist" the Minuteman