We need another "DAISY GIRL" advertisement to STOP BUSH

by Larry S. Rolirad Thursday, Sep. 15, 2005 at 1:44 AM

President Bush's Pentagon is now calling for the use of nuclear weapons to attack terrorists. What could be done with a few bullets the Bush administration wants to use nuclear weapons which could kill millions of innocent human beings.

We need another "DAISY GIRL" advertisement to STOP BUSH
by Larry S. Rolirad

Do you remember the 1964 political advertisement sponsored by the democratic party? It is called the "Daisy Girl" ad because it shows a little girl picking petals off of a daisy flower, counting the petals, and then the image segues into a launch countdown followed by a nuclear explosion. It was a controversial political advertisement, but it was based on fact.

In the 1964 election, Lyndon Baines Johnson was running for reelection for president, with Hubert H. Humphrey as his vice president. Their opponents were republicans Barry Goldwater and William E. Miller. The reason for the Daisy Girl advertisement was to show the country what could have happened if the republicans won. Republicans Barry Goldwater and William Miller both advocated the "tactical" use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam. Such a use of nuclear weapons could have killed millions of innocent people. And the fallout from all of those detonated nuclear bombs could have surrounded the earth contaminating everything in its path.

The Daisy Girl advertisement was a stroke of genius and perhaps saved the world, or at least millions of people. Because of that ad and other political factors L. B. Johnson and Hubert Humphrey won in one of the biggest landslides in American political history. Barry Goldwater's slogan during that presidential campaign was "In your heart, you know he's right". But the Johnson campaign parodied Goldwater's slogan with "In your guts, you know he's nuts" and "In your heart, you know he might (use nuclear weapons)". Johnson's slogans could be used today against President Bush, after all, there is a growing number of Americans who are believing that the slogan "In your guts, you know he's nuts" could very well pertain to President Bush.

The reason why I mentioned this political advertisement is because we face another group of republicans who want to use "The Bomb" to indiscriminately wipe out tens of thousands, or millions of innocent people just to get a handful of "terrorists". At least that is what they "claim" is their justification.

According to the report issued by Bush's Pentagon they will use nuclear weapons against terrorist hangouts and countries which may harbor terrorists. The potential for a nuclear holocaust is a very real possiblity. Especially when you consider the factors which could be really driving the people in the Bush administration.

We have a person in the White House who arguably can't read, write, or speak on a third grader's level, but he has the power to order the firing of all of our nuclear weapons without any restraint. Remember, it was President Bush who unilaterally decided to go to war against Iraq without even verifying the intelligence information he was supposedly given. And it was President Bush who ordered the start of the war against a country which posed no threat to the United States, or Americans.

There is also another factor that should bring terror to every American. Behind President Bush are three of the most dangerous people on the planet. They are Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and James Dobson. All three of these religious extremist Christians are clamoring for Armageddon. They have been preaching to their illiterate and ignorant flocks that the "end is near" and that "Jesus will be returning very soon". They are praying for Armageddon daily because they want the "rapture" to come very soon, but they might have a big surprise awaiting them. They won't be included in any "rapture". Since they would have been participants in the annihilation of every human being on earth they would certainly be destined to meet the 'god' they actually have been inadvertently worshipping, the prince of darkness, SATAN.

The Bible says to be wary of false prophets and messengers of evil. Robertson, Falwell, and Dobson are fake Christians who advocate beating children, assassinating foreign leaders, and praying for the deaths of supreme court justices. These three appear to be more evil than the most evil Islamic militants on the planet. Islamic extremists hate the United States government, particularly the republican party, because republicans appear to like killing Muslims. After all, to fundamentalist Christians you are less than human and destined for hell if you are not a "Christian". Islamic extremists are not clamoring for the end of the world. That is what fundamentalist Christian extremists are actively doing every day.

It is frightening that Falwell, Dobson, and Robertson all have "phantom offices" in the White House and they have direct lines to President Bush, whose ability and even sanity must be questioned, as evidenced by his actions, or rather lack of actions throughout his five years as president. Without the support of these three religious extremists and their easily duped flocks a person of such low calibre like Bush would have never made it to the White House. And because these right wing religious extremists put Bush into the White House they want payback. Bigtime payback. And their payback isn't just selecting a couple of right wing extremist justices for the Supreme Court. The payback they want is Armageddon. And since they, and other evil puppetmasters who control every one of Bush's actions and words, it is very conceivable that the megalomaniac Bush could easily order the nuclear annihilation of the entire world.

We need another "Daisy Girl" ad to warn the people of the United States and the world that the very survival of the human species is at risk as long as the Bush administration remains in power. It is the duty of every American and citizen of the world to demand that everyone in the Bush administration be immediately removed from office.

The future of all life on earth could be at stake. It is time for you to act. Before it is too late.

Copyright 2005, Larry S. Rolirad, All Rights Reserved