Defaulting In The War Of Ideas - (Goebbels Does DC)

Defaulting In The War Of Ideas - (Goebbels Does DC)

by R.A. Hawkins Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 9:17 PM

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Defaulting In The War Of Ideas
(Goebbels Does DC)
R.A. Hawkins

I ran across an interesting article by Jared Ede at about yet another gala affair the left held this last week in D.C. for liberal students so they will have the tools they need to fight the conservative movement. There were several quotes in the article from Paul Begala which exemplify the absence of thought on the left. Mr. Ede added a few facts that show what I said to be true in the Article Disharmonic Convergence is really just the same ole thing all over again.

First, here are the Paul Begala quotes:

“I was driving past the Pentagon when that plane hit”. “I had friends on that plane; this is deadly serious to me.”

I have a friend who was best friends with the pilot of that particular flight. My friend’s one consolation was that his friend had to be killed. He didn’t just turn the plane over to the terrorists. Begala would have been trying to reason with them rather than fighting them. The difference is typically American and French, or if you prefer Day and Benighted.

“They want to kill me and my children if they can. But if they just kill me and not my children, they want my children to be comforted -- that while they didn't protect me because they cut my taxes, my children won't have to pay any money on the money they inherit, That is bulls*** national defense, and we should say that.”

Mr. Be-Gala probably put a serious damper on the group with this silly notion. Unfortunately he is addressing a group of people who were alive when his heroes the Clintons were destroying the military and trying to do social engineering in Haiti, Bosnia and Yugoslavia. They might even remember that one of the first things that happened when Bubba became one of the Beltway Boys was that we were given the first WTC attack and he said a lot about getting those who were responsible, but did absolutely nothing. That is their version of national defense. Nothing but words. Their failure to react to that first WTC attack brought us the second attack. Too bad they were even then at war with the Conservatives. Former Chief of Staff John Podesta told them ‘they can fight hard for what they believe in without breaking the law, without cheating and certainly without checking their morals at the door.’ Wouldn’t that be kind of like an oyster checking his wings at the door? Also present was one Thomas Frank a left wing author who said that the Republicans were unwilling to get involved in world war two because they secretly sided with Hitler.

Jared Ede was kind enough to remind everyone of something that was said by Joseph P Kennedy, the father of John F. Kennedy who would later become America's 35th president.

His oldest son, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., wrote a letter to his father about Hitler's dislike of the Jews and said it was well founded. He added, “In every revolution, you have to expect some bloodshed. Hitler is building a spirit in his men that could be envied in this country.”

John Kennedy’s father answered, “I was very pleased and gratified at your observations of the German situation, and I think your conclusions are very sound.”

This does shed a little light on why they all operate and sound like Goebbels.

Thomas Frank also said that Republicans didn't see Hitler as a threat to America until Pearl Harbor. He again ran with the liberal mantra about America's invasion of Iraq, adding that Hussein was as evil as they get but he wasn’t a threat to the United States. This was a slightly different view than the democrats held regarding Yugoslavia. Of course the reason we really went to war in Yugoslavia was to divert attention away from Bill Clintons life and death struggle to save the Constitutionally protected right of a President to lie in court and have sex with interns on company time. Everybody knows that.

This tawdry event also managed to draw Bill Clinton. He was there because he needs the face time so his wife can make her run at the White House. Hillary is making the case that the military needs to be expanded by Some 80,000 troops…which is about what she and Bill got rid of. I was surprised that she didn’t say 100,000 that number was so popular with the Clinton Administration. I got the feeling they were feeling a little guilty for having mangled the meaning of the word ‘is’ and they were trying to grace our society with a new colloquialism. Instead of the Bakers Dozen they wanted to create the Clinton One Hundred Thousand. That one just rolls off of the old shoe doesn’t it?

Reference link for Jared Ede’s article:

R.A. Hawkins is the author of "Through Eyes of Shiva", available through Visit -- Entropical Paradise - The Home Of R.A. Hawkins for more commentaries and editorials by R.A. Hawkins.

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