A Call To Action In War Torn America, Videos

by Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone, Auditor Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 12:38 PM
USA, Prisons and Abuse

Below is a post to my website today at Mobile Audit Club. Los Angeles has become the living Hell that is Alabama, and both should have their politicians and courts cleansed by fire of examination and war court tribunal.

Foreword July 15, 2005:  The federal mafia Nazis without human hearts for the common people are procrastinating in setting the trial date for the current Sheriff of Mobile Alabama, Jack Tillman, who was responsible for the deaths of several men in his care at the Mobile County jail, including James Carpenter and others.   Tillman stole over 0,000 and planned on stealing over 0,000.  Tillman also took the auditor, Kurt Brown's,  gun permit when he was trying to enter a city council meeting to report the Sheriff's obvious thievery and did not even search him for a gun on 4-3-2001.  Two weeks later, Kurt Brown was moving his belongings with his guns in a U-Haul and Truck out of Alabama to Los Angeles where he had served in the U.S. Navy and there when he parked near the LA VA grave yard to rest, he was arrested, forcibly injected by the federal government with unknown chemicals and then was subjected to forced medical procedures.  The federal government then forced the auditor to remain silent on murder and money laundering at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in San Francisco, Kurt's previous employer.   They then forced Kurt to sign felony a felony plea with threats of long term incarceration in a prison or insane asylum.   The LA VA would not allow Kurt to view his medical records there on several attempts in mid-2003.  Due to Kurt's forced incarceration, he could not gain evidence on the Sheriff who had taken his gun permit and a previous attempt on his life by FDIC hired assassins due to the fact he could not be released because of a One-Million Dollar Bail.  

Kurt's California attorney said he could bring the case back to trial at a later date, so Kurt signed the felony papers.  Now, the California government in the Los Angeles Superior Court system who are abiding by the whim of federal governmental criminals will not give Kurt a trial by Jury. 

Kurt was sentenced to 180 days in Los Angeles County jail, forced to remain silent on corruption at the FDIC in verbal demands, and served three years of probation, ending in 2004.  Kurt still is labeled a felon for legal gun ownership and when he tried to enter a Mobile Alabama City Council meeting in Mobile during the probation period, the Secret Service harassed him and his wife.  Later the Mobile Alabama Sheriff Department came and they were going to try to commit him to an insane asylum or arrest him.  The closed door government should be eliminated.  We do not need them and we should applaud when their towers are torn down.  Americans toppled the World Trade Center for a reason the American public was unaware.  A war is waging against us.  We must unite under the eye of consciousness for others, or we should self-detonate the plans of our vicious governmental subjugators.

The atrocities by the regime in power must be dealt with and the authors of the atrocities eliminated.  For instance, the abuse is widespread including not allowing Worker's Compensation payments for blue collar workers injured on the job if they test positive for any drug in the blood or urine.  Many drugs linger in the system but not in the mind and the affront on the American workers is in my opinion, a crime punishable by death.  More power to the war time martyrs of our era.  In another instance, many states allow forced injections under a Chapter 36 clause.  If we are guinea pigs for the government, we should eat their eyes out when they touch us.

Kurt urges all people to carry cameras into the court buildings with Indymedia Reporters badges.  It is my hope that the current criminal regime is overthrown and that their international warmonger financiers are hunted down like I was, Kurt Brown, an honest auditor.  I have given up on the alleged two party political system and the fascist controlled media and bureaucracy which should be pelted with stones by  the American children and women at every opportunity and attacked and dismantled by the American men at the turn of the next war in America.

EADS, the European Weapons Manufacturer, should not be allowed to come to American and the National Treasury Employees Union should be dismantled as a war time atrocity inflicted upon the American people.  The NTEU is the bloody hand behind murders throughout the USA government due to the fact that the war criminals have a grasp on many agencies, violation all common sense rules against collusion.   God Allah Buddha Etheral Consciousness help us and G-d Damn the regime.

Sheriff Jack Tillman should serve prison time and have his retirement funds reduced to the wage of the average deputy.  Tillman's corrupt protege's allowed Tillman to retire with the Alabama Retirement System funds.  The regime believes in rewarding their criminals guarding the doors.  Mayor Mike Dow should be brought to justice at a war criminal tribunal for forcing the city of Mobile to accept the weapons manufacturer EADS.

Remember in the coming war, "This life is of skull and soil."  "Nothing about you is permanent except for the consciousness of your children and theirs."  "The war ripple starts here when we see suffering now and in the future."  "Alabama is being held back by what I see as a German affront with approval by New York billionaire Jews."  Of course, in the world of deception you must be careful in slicing the throat of the harming agent.  You might not have the right one or thing.   C.E.B.A.G. damn the regime.  The nation is obviously uncontrollable for our benefit.  It will likely be dismantled in the next big bang.

Original: A Call To Action In War Torn America, Videos