Republinazis want _others_ to kill babies

by Fredric L. Rice Monday, Jul. 11, 2005 at 2:19 PM

While Republicans wage war against innocent people and slaughter innocent children in their beds, the war mongering racist bigots are finding their victims fighting back. So now the Republinazis refuse to sign up and ship out while they advocate war crime atrocities against humanity yet _still_ support and defend their mass murdering baby killing Fuhrer George W. Bush.

Republican scumbags. The Iraqi freedom fighters -- the _people_ of Iraq -- are fighting back, defending their lives, their children's lives, defending their country, and defending their country's oil. So naturally now that Bush's terrorism victims are successfully fighting back and cleaning the fucking clocks of the fascist invaders, Republinazis refuse to sign up and ship out, perfering that _others_ do their white supremist murdering for them.

Every Republican is a racist scumbag who supports and defends terrorism.

Original: Republinazis want _others_ to kill babies