Londons' Trauma

by by Benjamin Creme Sunday, Jul. 10, 2005 at 11:16 PM

Response to the London bombings with causes and solution.

London’s trauma

The elation of winning the Olympic bid caused Londoners to forget, for a moment, the ever-present threat to their city in today’s reality of terrorism. Our sympathy must go to the

many bereaved and injured in this terrible tragedy.

We should, perhaps, have expected that the terrorists would take the opportunity of the G8 summit in Scotland to mount their barbarous attack. It would seem evident that too much of the attention and efforts of the security and intelligence forces were diverted from the capital to Scotland.

What is also evident is that we cannot win a ‘war on terror’ by military means. The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan have not protected us or others. On the contrary they

have increased the likelihood of attack. What then is the answer to this ferocious antagonism?

There is only one way ­ we must seek the causes of terrorism. These are various but chief among them is the sullen hatred engendered in millions in the poorer countries by an endless sense of injustice, futility and despair. They feel no hope, no purpose in life and are ripe for the fanatical fcalls for ‘war on the West’ by the fundamentalist ‘professional’ terrorists we know as Al-Qaeda. These, ironically, were trained by the CIA to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and have now turned on their


Only justice will bring peace and an end to terrorism in this world. London was attacked because of the British invasion, with the USA, of Iraq, and because the Gleneagles summit,

the meeting of the leaders of the eight richest nations, represents all that millions in the East and Middle East hate ­ the haughty dominance and usurpation of power of the rich elite who live in the illusion that they are the natural

rulers of the world.

Their time of dominance is coming to an end. The voice of the people of all the nations is making itself heard and demanding justice. These powerful leaders turn a deaf ear to that voice at their peril.

by Benjamin Creme , British artist and

author who soon returns to U.S. for his 2005

lecture tour:

"Into this divided world, Maitreya,

the Teacher for Humanity, has come"


Lecture: Saturday, 30 July 2005

7.00 pm

F.I.T - Haft Auditorium

Building C - 2nd floor

7th ave. at 27th St., NYC

Transmission Meditation 31 July


Lecture: Monday, 8 August 2005

7.30 pm

Olympic Conference Center

11301 Olympic Blvd

West Los Angeles

Transmission Meditation 10 August


Lecture: Sunday, 14 August 2005

2.00 pm

Palace of Fine Arts Theatre

3301 Lyon Street (at Bay), San Francisco

Transmission Meditation 16 August

Enquiries (1) 818-785-6300

Original: Londons' Trauma