Chris Simcox calls for putting down protesters

by John Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 4:38 AM

Chris Simcox calls for policing protesters against the recent Unite to Fight summit in Las Vegas, and other protesters.

"They can protest all they want, and they can use their sticks and stones, which are more cowardly bottles and soda cans, and anyway they want, and we'll stand their toe to toe with them. And they've exposed themselves, the enemy, which is a good thing. They've come out of the shadows. They're showing their faces. They're showing their anti-American attitudes. Where's the Department of Homeland Security. Let's hope that they're watching. . . . We'll, I sort of find an analogy between the water stations [placed by humynitarians to prevent deaths in the desert], and those protesters out there. As I told the Border Action Network group, we'd be more than happy to patrol those water stations to make sure the folks get water, and then they're turned over to the proper authorities. There's no better place to attract a criminal than to a water station or to an illegal immigration rally."

Quote taken from:

More articles covering the Unite to Fight Against Illegal Immigration Summit at:

Original: Chris Simcox calls for putting down protesters