Governor Arnold’s Racist Minutemen and Bush’s Wars

by Craig B Hulet? Saturday, May. 07, 2005 at 8:17 PM 360-288-2652 P.O. Box 710

We have seen this all before! If these minisculemen were men at all they would have already enlisted and be patrolling the mean-streets of Baghdad, Mosul and Sadr City. All of them 17-39 years old could have enlisted. SUPPORT the WAR? ENLIST NOW!

Governor Arnold’s ...
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We are witness to an old and ugly beast rearing its horrendous head here in the land of the preening free and the home of false Bravado. The world is

watching dumbfounded as Americans throw away what little freedoms are left; trashing the Bill of Rights and willing to become Bush’s and Arnold’s

willing executioners. Hate and intolerance isn’t on the rise, it is now The Way. One stand-out is white Uber-clown, Roger Hedgecrotch, San Diego’s latest

leader of the local media brown-shirts. That is what the Brown Shirts were first - Media - pamphleteers on a soap box bullying one and all.

Now here comes the entirely illegal movement called the Minutemen, patrolling Arizona’s borders and welcomed into California by its idiot Governor

Arnold with typical narcissistic nuance, stating “I think they’ve done a terrific job, ... They’ve cut down the crossing of illegal immigrants a huge percentage.”

As Hitler did in Weimar, will he stamp these illegal militia racists legal as Hitler did the Brown Shirts? That is where the Brown Shirts got their start.

Does Arnold believe these armed paramilitary groups being organized under their own command and control system are legal? Is he that stupid? The legal

unorganized militia can only be called-up by the President of the United States for federal duty or by the respective Governors of each state. Or is his Party

handler George Schultz an ill-advised advisor. Arnold, you too were once an immigrant; you too had to learn English; you too would have been just as

unwelcome an illegal if it were not for your entirely narcissistic self-absorbed preening area of “work” (and I use the term work entirely tongue in cheek).

Maybe you have a Christian self-Righteous Republican ridiculous rabble in California mesmerized into thinking you are an achiever, but we all know

you cannot even act! Your talent agency provided you with every piece of advice for every endeavor your over-paid dumb-ass ever received. You are no

self-made man. Like so many “actors,” Arnold, is acting still: his role? idiot front man for George Schultz. (One of the most corrupt elite Ubermensch’s to

walk the streets during our declining racist Kulture Kamph.) We have seen this all before!

As for the so-called Minutemen: Nobody “invited” these overweight dead-beats nor “called them-up” to serve; they are the very same crackpots who

formed militias and gave us Timothy McVeigh and lunatic charlatans like John Trochman of the Militia of Montana. They are illegal according to the U.S.

Constitution, period. They are illegal according to federal and state statute, period. They are racist to the core: Mexicans are no more taking American’s jobs

than beggars are! They are in fact one of the only pool of labor left who will even do the jobs that fat-assed lazy white Republican American Christians will

not do at any price! The fact is these Mexicans the Minisculemen want out, are the only ones with a work-ethic at all in America.

Minisculemen is meant literally, as they are those suffering low-self-esteem because they do not matter and must get their identity carrying guns around

and intimidating Mexican women, children and old men looking for work; they are gang-bangers, period. These pseudo-Macho-mice would have you

believe these poor Mexicans crossing the border are terrorists, enemies of America, guerrillas and suicide bombers. They know full well these are unarmed

innocents; victims awaiting these willing executioners. Unsurprisingly these white-boys are cowards! How do we know? All bullies are cowards, that is

why they show up in numbers armed! Every lynch mob are cowards; every gang, clique, brotherhood or clan are cowards. We have seen this all before!

If these minisculemen were men at all they would have already enlisted and be patrolling the mean-streets of Baghdad, Mosul and Sadr City. All of them

17-39 years old could have enlisted on 9/11 in the Marines, U.S. Army (Go Airborne!); those 40 to 55 would already be hired to perform such security

duties in Iraq and Afghanistan by Blackwater and the other 22 corporate security firms pulling ops in hostile lands.

No: instead, who’s in Iraq and Afghanistan, besides the poorest whites? Legal and illegal aliens from Mexico and elsewhere who joined the Army, Marines,

Navy and even the Rangers to fight Bush’s illegal wars. That is correct: According to the Pentagon “Approximately 30,000 active duty and 11,000

Guard and Reserve personnel are non-U.S. citizens. Over 20,000 military personnel have become U.S. citizens since September 11, 2001 and approximately

5,000 military personnel have citizenship applications currently being processed. At the beginning of these wars of deliberation and 9/11, over

60,000 members of the armed forces were and are, non-U.S. citizens from Mexico and elsewhere. (Source: Prepared Statement of The Honorable David S.

C. Chu, Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) Before the Senate Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee “Active and Reserve Military

and Civilian Personnel Programs” April 5, 2005 page 29) Every member of the Minutemen should be immediately drafted into the Army and Reserves and

sent to Iraq; once they have pulled a tour in Baghdad they can rotate back and patrol the borders as Reservists called-up legally by Arnold. Unlike the

Mexicans who are not U.S. citizens in our active duty forces these white boys should die for their country rather than some “other” who dies in their place!

For every Minuteman who has not enlisted someone dies in your stead; is wounded for your idiotic Patriotic beliefs; some “woman” dies in your “manly

place.” For every white American Republican Christian who has not enlisted for Iraq, and without courage supports the war someone dies in your place!

Yes “these aliens” certainly did take “these jobs” from United States white-boy citizens who are too afraid to serve their country in time of war. But will

patrol safely “at home” against unarmed women and children, because they hate brown folk. There’s some armed brown folk I’d like introduce you to in the

Middle East. You white gang-bangers are sickening, you are not Americans! And we have seen this all before!

I respect my Mexican brothers and sisters who heeded the call to arms from our White House and White President to fight a war they didn‘t start!.......

You Support the War? Enlist Now!

—Craig B Hulet? Quinault Rain Forest May 2005

_____________________________________________AN OPEN LETTER: Sponsored by & Craig B Hulet? The Author will be speaking at Wyndham Commerce Hotel,

Commerce CA: Friday July 8th, 7:30PM: Tickets with this ad only .00 a seat The lecture will be in English


Craig B Hulet was Special Assistant for Special Projects to Congressman Jack Metcalf (Retired); he is periodically a consultant to federal law enforcement ATF&E of Justice/Homeland

Security; he has written four books on international relations and philosophy, his latest is The Hydra of Carnage: Bush’s Imperial War-making and the Rule of Law - An Analysis of the

Objectives and Delusions of Empire. Mr. Hulet served in Vietnam 1969-70, 101st Airborne, C Troop 2/17th Air Cav graduated 3rd in his class at Aberdeen Proving Grounds Ordnance

School MOS 45J20 Weapons. He has written and spoken on these militia groups and is considered an expert by federal law-enforcement. He remains a corporate security consultant.

Original: Governor Arnold’s Racist Minutemen and Bush’s Wars