Looking for Harvey Weinstein

by Holly Yanez Saturday, Mar. 19, 2005 at 2:14 PM
yanez@adelphia.net 310 379 0683 Hermosa Beach

The Hollywood Hills have Eyes

Looking for Harvey W...
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Dear Everyone We Know,

For two people who fight to heal wounds, toil not seeking rest and labour not for reward, begging is tricky. But when one’s life principle fails and you end up wounded, exhausted and penniless, asking for help is all there is left.

Many of you have not yet read our book, “Looking For Harvey Weinstein” which tells the simple tale of how, for three years, we used every possible resource we had to save the creative genius of a Russian fresco painter. His story of persecution, corruption and oppression under the communist regime in Russia was so tragic yet having escaped to freedom in the United States his horrific circumstances of poverty and desperation left us thinking was starving in Inglewood with a wife and child to support an improvement?

What happened to us, at the hands of the entertainment industry, is a movie it is so fantastic and unbelievable. Hollywood is a place where anything goes, lives are destroyed and the unwritten code of conduct, devoid of human decency or ethic. When it happened to us, in November, 2003 we knew without fighting for what was right we would never do anything to change the fortune for brilliant people being ripped off and trampled on for their gifts and hard work.

Harvey Weinstein double crossed us over a different book, never intended for publication, we wrote about our experience in Hollywood to raise money for the first fresco school in the country here in Los Angeles. The deal was Harvey got a brilliant concept and the painter got his school. (The only way skills are developed from Master to student.) But after almost a year keeping us dangling Harvey Weinstein stole the book, manipulated the press to a level you could never imagine and killed us dead after 3 years work just like that. As you can imagine we were devastated and thought we could never recover but we had the manuscript and knew with all the real celebrity names included we had a chance to make a change saving ourselves and the artist in the process.

We worked day and night with no money and finally “Looking For Harvey Weinstein” was published by us in April, 2004. You all know us and know how capable we are and yet in a year we have been unable to secure any media, having pitched to hundreds of journalists, many friends and personal recommendations. We can get press for anyone except ourselves and the book is good.

Even after this brutal finale, being so close to death, the system is not prepared to go up against Harvey Weinstein. He is too rich and too powerful apparently so we just ask you help us by buying the book. The ISBN number is 1412028221 and you can order it from your local book store (Borders, Barnes and Noble) or over the internet (LookingForHarveyWeinstein.com, Amazon.com, and every internet bookstore) Please tell your friends about it, suggest it for book clubs and ask your library to order it. Every little bit of help makes a difference. We have also opened an account for Shirley’s medical expenses if you would like to help in any way. We have found a doctor who is taking care of her. He saw her yesterday and has elected to postpone surgery until 28th March, when he hopes she will be stronger.

Union Bank of California Name: Shirley A. Yanez
Sepulveda Boulevard, Routing Number: 122000496
Manhattan Beach, CA 90254 Account Number: 2471078234

Always hopeful, forever positive, we pray this never happens to anyone else and once we get the story out there, as always, whatever you need.