Synthetic Earthquakes

by Steven J. Smith Sunday, Feb. 06, 2005 at 7:51 AM

Synthetic Earthquakes, or diplomacy by other means

No natural force is more destructive than earthquakes. The energy released by a magnitude 6.0 earthquake lasting 45 seconds, is several thousand times greater than a nuclear bomb. Furthermore, according to the USGS (united states geological survey), earthquake forecasting remains little more than an elusive goal. Sadly, many earthquakes strike locations where the population and government institutions have little or no capability to deal with the aftermath. Places like southern Iran and rural China.

Looked at from another perspective, an earthquake would make an ideal tool of destruction. Able to strike without warning, and appearing to be an act of nature, can you imagine any government or military organization that wouldn't want to add such an awesome capability to it's arsenal? But of course generating synthetic earthquakes is pure science fiction. Or is it?

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Original: Synthetic Earthquakes