HBO and PBS - Home of the Israeli Fanatic and Jewish Extremism in the Media

by HBOWatch Sunday, Jan. 30, 2005 at 6:30 PM

A more than blunt review of the hypocrites running the media, specifically PBS and HBO

Looks like PBS through some arrangement in the Jewish community is now the free TV version of HBO. Meaning it is a place for pro-Jewish programming and damning documenteries on "men with brown skin" AKA monsters.

I watched most of the PBS special "Auschwitz". I thought it was well done and gave some honest insight on how a genocide can happen in any society. They sprinkle this documentary with interviews from "experts" on genocide with an interviewer (Linda Hunt). I was going to dismiss this as another documentary that is simply used as a tool by Jewish Americans to gain support for Israel. But they allowed some individuals to speak without filtering and editing the comments to make it "Israel/Jewish friendly". Instead they offered an objective analysis.

The questions they asked are "why". Why and how can a genocide happen, even in a modernized democracy like Germany. It can happen because the experts in that program said that Jews were dehumanized to the point of the state of Germany and Europe would be better if they eliminated all them. The media in Germany, the politicians and others dehumanized them so much that it was a Nationalistic duty of Germans to extreminate this perceived cancer and threat to them in Germany. They rallied behind the cries of the media and politicians under the German flag and united for a common cause, to eliminate Jews.

They had some old footage of an interview with a German guard and asked him why he didn't think it was wrong to do what he was doing in regards to sending Jews to death camps. He said it was "drilled" into his head that Jews were not human. Therefore the thought of acting like a human being didnt occuring to him, Jews weren't human. That is what the German media and German politicians told him.

I also didnt know that in Rwanda, the killing was done mostly by Catholics, that according to an expert from Africa who was interviewed in that documentary. He said the Hutus were 90% Catholic, something the media NEVER mentions when it comes to Rwanda, if they were muslims, our media would certainly paint a different picture of Rwanda. So let me see, it was German Catholics that killed 6,000,000 Jews and others and as recently as the 1990's Catholics eliminated a few million more in Rwanda and the Muslims are the ones causing mass genocide? Just goes to show you how our media likes to concentrate on Muslims only as the world's most cancerous religion.

I decided to go over to Daniel Pipes website to see if he has any mention of Rwanda there.....6 articles out of 1,000s he has written for a few decades and those six articles aren't even about Rwanda, they are about muslims and not even specifically about anything that occured in Rwanda. Mr. Pipes, who is Jewish doesn't seem to care about what happened in muslims involved there. So why should a Daniel Pipes care about Rwanda, afterall we are all required and have a responsibility to make sure that another holocaust OR dehumanization of an entire people never occurs again. Yet his life entirely exists to dehumanize men with brown skin, because doing that everyday in his mind will win support for Israel.

That is why we have holocaust education and documentaries every six months, so that people have some sort of protection, except if you are a brown skin male in America. I decided to see how many articles exist at Daniel Pipes web site regarding the Sudan.... 124 articles. Ahhh, now Jewish Americans care about preventing another genocide and now they use their media...afterall muslims are involved there. It's strange how they dont parade all those black Africans in the media and dehumanize them. They should parade those black people in the Sudan they same way they parade brown skin men regarding the middle east. See if it passes the test, there is no standard when it comes to us evil brown men, but when it comes to blacks they draw the line. Afterall, no one has suffered more in the media over the years more than blacks. Today it is brown skin men who the media people treat as blacks were treated prior to the 1980s.

The Neoliberals who run HBO of course aren't going to show blacks hacking up other blacks on TV and dehumanizing them or causing genocide. That is why there is absolutely no imagry from Rwanda or the Sudan. It's an organized representation. They slept through the Rwanda genocide because there is absolutely no benefit to Israel or Jewish Americans in preventing a genocide in Rwanda. The Sudan is a different story, now they care. Now they are lobbying Congress and making sure that it gets tons of coverage. They care because there are muslims involved. They care because they are painting a picture, muslims killing Christians. That resonates well in the media for public relations regarding Israel. Other than that, they really couldnt give two shits about the Sudan.

The only bad genocides that our media cares about are ones with muslims. And if they are black muslims, they aren't parading them on TV the same way they are parading brown skin men, thats for sure. The Neoliberal is a different kind of movement and a few things that separate the Neoliberal from the Neocon is that Neoliberals, like the ones in hollywood are pro-black and pro-gay. But both promote Jewish/Israeli interests and both hate the brown skin male passionately.

Why am I writing this article? Because now that HBO is pulling the strings along with other Jewish Neoliberals on the programming of PBS, PBS will now act like HBO. Meaning there will be 100% in-house programming of evil brown men on a constant basis. Meaning that what occured to Jews in Germany BEFORE the holocaust is what will occur to brown men here in America. Nevermind the muslim tag, every brown skin man in America is a muslim, just ask them. Don't matter if you are a Hindu/Chrisitian or Buddhist. Nevermind that their own documentary mentions the dehumanization that can lead to a genocide, they will ignore it. They can't even see the sick hypocrites that they have become. They will humanize Jews who were subjected to dehumanization in Nazi Germany, then turn around and do the same thing to muslims. These are really some sick people.

The media Nazis, specifically Jewish people who use these Neoliberal media outlets, use skin color to dehumanize and they consider non-muslims collateral damage in their zeal to promote Israeli/Jewish interests. These people are the real Neonazis in America. Apparently 44% of the population that wants to lock up all muslims is a drop in the bucket to these Jewish Nazis, they want that figure higher. They must want it higher because they are working extremely hard at getting those figures EVERY DAY. Daniel Pipes, a Jewish/Israeli extremist believes that 44% is a good start but not good enough and I am sure his fellow Jewish Nazis who run the media believe the same.

Maybe it's time to end holocaust documentaries. Seriously, there is absolutely nothing to learn in them at all. They are on TV every 2-3 months. When I see these documentaries and then read what the Daniel Pipes, David Horowitz's, writers for the Jewish World Review, like Anne Coulter, Michelle Malkin and visit Israel/Jewish web sites like JihadWatch (the Jewish version of JewWatch), Surnow of Fox's 24, Weinsteins (Lord of the Rings), Paramount (Team America), HBO, etc and read or watch what I see there. It becomes painfully obvious that Jewish people who run these outlets are employing the same tactics that were used on them in Germany. I dare any of these psycho Jews or their Non-Jewish writers who write for them to prove me wrong. What is it that Coulter calls us? Swarthy Browm Men. Malkin wants us all locked up, profiled, who knows what else. Daniel Pipes, "44% is a good start", in regards to different laws for muslims.

At this point you are probably calling me a racist, because I do something that no one has the courage to do, call the media exactly what it is - Jewish run. HBO is Jewish run. Jews represent 2% of America and at least 50% of the executives listed here:

If you are 2% of America and 50%+ of the top executives of a particular media outlet, you own it.

Even if that is not good enough, go look at HBO's TV schedule. Liberally drenched in positive programming of Jews. Extreme humanization of Jews and they are naturally full fledged American. Contrast that with the dehumanizing portrayals of brown men throughout their programs. They have an utter hatred of brown skin men that they dont even bother to disguise. You can view their programming schedule at

Add in their constant brown skin bogeymen documentaries like Dirty War or the Hamburg Cell and it is just one after another after another. Even if you are a brown skin Hindu, they slam you over and over again. They hate us passionately and they want America to hate you too so that at some point we all get rounded up and AIPAC can manipulate the shit out of our congressmen to have them do whatever they want to us. Speak out about it and Jews will relentlessly come after you like some sort of SS trooper to silence you in one way or another, mostly through their status as our nation's elite.

Fuck, let's just see what they gave us brown swarthy men. Lord of the Rings, I didnt see any good guys there with brown skin, I saw them all on the wrong side. The Weinsteins dressed up those villains specifically as Muslims and Hindus. No other people in the world paint elephants, except Hindus. Team America - World Police. If it wasnt bad enough, they resorted to puppets and they actually put some sort of brown shit on the faces of one of those puppets to turn him into an undercover terrorist. Documentary after documentary appear on HBO and PBS now to make sure a week doesnt go by without dehumanizing imagry of brown men. The WWE now has a villain, a one sided Iraq war where 50,000+ dead Iraqis get absolutely no imagry, but two burned white people hanging from a bridge make the front pages of America's papers. Yep, 50,000 dead are hidden from view, no decapitations, no dead babies, no imagry......that would be humanizing brown people, a no-no in the media. Dead white people? Front page....look at those brown skin animals!

We don't exist in hollywood at all unless some Jewish run studio wants to create a terrorism movie. We dont exist in popular culture at all. The doors to assimilation have been sealed shut from those who run it and then these people have the nerve to ask, "Why wont they assimilate?". The road to assimilation runs through the media and they have no intention whatsoever of humanizing their enemy- the swarthy brown man. They will parade brown kids and brown women in the media, but only if those brown women and children are at the recieving end of some abuse by a brown skin male.

To my fellow brown skin males, muslim or not. Keep your head up and keep your job. If 44% of this nation wants to lock up muslims, it means that 44% of this nation won't hire you or even wants you gone from America. I know that people refer to you as "terrorist", especially if you are a Hindu/Sikh. Keep your car in working condition and make sure that you drive obeying all the rules. Drive 55 mph in a 55 mph zone because you can literally get pulled over and made to disappear. Due process no longer applies to you anymore.

And to those Jewish media outlets calling for "racial profiling", you are perhaps the biggest clueless fucking Nazis on the planet. Since when do we apply race to a religion?

These Jews in the media are out of control and are really sick. Time Warner should remove these Jewish Nazis from HBO and PBS who is following their lead should be stripped of funding. Fuck these Nazis, they are hypocrites. To hell with them and their fucking Israel.

Original: HBO and PBS - Home of the Israeli Fanatic and Jewish Extremism in the Media