GOV. HOWARD DEAN POSTS on I am providing the first public challenge

by L Oliver Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005 at 2:29 AM

Let's see some action!

L. Oliver
TO GOVERNOR HOWARD DEAN: What Do You Intend To Do About This?

Here are just a few of the license plate numbers of government thugs who sit outside my house and pump a MINIMUM of 958 Megahurtz MICROWAVES into my home DAY in and DAY out.

They have stalked me, they have threatened me, they have tried to push me off the road in an effort to cause me bodily harm. The local police will not only NOT arrest them, some of them help out, definitely support them and are 100% complicit.

Needless to say, you and your other Democratic politician buddies are fully aware of the covert electronic murders that are being perpetrated already by trained government criminals. And I for one, will NOT apologize for the terms, 'mind control' or 'electronic harassment' or any other such term when this technology and form of slow undetectable murder has been used by the KGB since the 1960's. Any criticism that elected officials have of this terminology is ONLY to discredit and undermine the truth about just how criminal this government really is.
Wouldnt you agree?

Here are the license plate numbers... lets see what you can do about it. In case, this is still not enough, I have PLENTY MORE.

As a service to you, I will report your actions or inactions -- as the case may be -- and we can evaluate your public post here on APFN which calls for a 'change in government'.
Well, good. We can start right here. Show the world what you're made of.

Leslie Oliver Palm Desert Area, CA

4JJD727 Black car
1052115 City of Riverside Grey

4CL1362 white Accord older model -
Says on license plate "ERWIN STREET ELEMENTARY"
Hispanic -looking man, stout


I posted the information below and I am being very badly harassed now. I think they will try to either murder me or make me 'disappear'... legally. The license plates above are only 3 of many that have been stalking me and continuously during the day wherever I am. They also are driving slowly past my house again and again and again. They are NOT letting all of my email go out or come in.
They are censoring all my communications.making it impossible for me to contact certain people that would look out for me who do not live in the USA..

They've already started threatening the Ohio people that went to investigate the vote count. Reporters are committing 'suicide'.

I think they may even try to stop me from leaving the country if I wish to do so-- although I have done nothing illegal.

Or they may make me 'disappear' en route to my destination.
They recently tried to knock me off the road again but they are more careful and do it more sparingly so as not to create too much attention.

I have also made arrangements with various friends of mine to post online 'stills' off my video camera with license plate numbers as well.

RE: Death Threat Made to Jimmy Walter

First, I will state again, as I have on previous postings that I have been ‘targeted’ by this government for over 3 years. ‘Targeted’ means that you are under secret, bogus investigation 24/7 because you have somehow threatened their own self-serving agenda but they have no legal recourse to get rid of you. If at all possible they will murder you so it looks like an accident. It also means your telephone conversations are tapped, recorded and listened into by criminals, your email is read by these same criminals –in real time as you write it (like this one), you are stalked and harassed 24/7 – and yes, they have the money to do this from their illegal business pursuits. The local police in the community support them and cover for them and so does the fire department. And for those who don’t believe that they are also doing surveillance of people using remote viewing or using ‘electronic microwaving and other invisible means of murder’ …please spare everyone your comments because this not only IS happening to TENS of thousands of people in the country now -- it is time to confront the fact that we have in the White House a TOTALLY criminal government who has spent billions of dollars on secret defense weapons… which are currently being used to covertly attack designated American citizens. Wake up. This is not only the truth, don’t think for one minute that they don’t intend to use this same technology on YOU and your family if they get the power.

*If anything happens to me – this post and the other I previously made, also citing license plate numbers – is evidence of their complicity.

Today they implemented their ‘heart attack machine’ on me which makes your heart palpitate so intensely, you can easily have an attack (fatal, they hope). If anyone is familiar with the postings of Charles Schlund – he reported of this type of invisible electronic attack which made his blood pressure go through the roof and put him in the hospital. It is not a mistake. You can feel that your heart beat is being manipulated from the outside. Now here’s a little education for all of you. Make note: this devise is EXACTLY how ‘they’ successfully get away with ‘heart attack murders’ so it looks natural. In fact, ‘invisible murder’ is the ONE thing they really know how to do well. I would even go so far as to say… if someone owns an airplane and it crashes, or if someone dies in a car accident, commits suicide or has one of those unfortunate ‘heart attacks’ … to save time on the investigation (if there even is one)… the AUTOMATIC response should be… it’s PROBABLY U.S. Government related. This immediate assumption should be made upon the death of ANYONE who has criticized this administration, even just a little. And only THEN -- with that assumption in mind -- should the investigation to find out what really happened, begin.

This all came about because upon calling the offices of Jimmy Walter (the ‘eccentric’ millionaire who aired commercials asking for the re-investigation of 9/11), I was told that he was putting together more commercials.

I thought “Well, how great! What a wonderful opportunity to let ‘the American people’ hear that their illustrious and well-paid Senators and Congressmen had voted for The Patriot Act II – to protect them from …uh …the terrorists.”
Not more than 15 minutes after trying to email the suggestion to Jimmy Walter’s assistant, a rough-looking agent in a silvery-green Jaguar (they too, are well-paid) license plate #04WIR094 drove up and remained parked directly across the street looking into my house. I live on a dead end street in a more rural part of the Palm Desert area of California. Because there is nothing but sand opposite my property… and because everyone is on a minimum of 4-acres, anyone parked across the street is either a visitor of mine or is looking to buy the empty lot. But no one can just sit in their parked car staring into my house from across the street… without being ‘up to no good’.

Sure enough, I walked out of the house to see who was there and the man in the Jaguar looked totally shocked and then sped off. A few minutes later, he came back again very, very slowly …glaring at me, turned around at the next house and drove back past me again in a very threatening way. He did this 4 times until he noticed I was writing his license plate down and he took off like a bullet, for good.

About 4 or 5 other vehicles then also appeared and drove very, very slowly past me . One was a maroon pick-up Truck, license plate# GW97080 who gave me the finger. Another was an older blue Ford (Escort, I believe) license plate# D1 SHARK who started to drive straight towards me as if he was going to run into me but I lurched behind my gate. I tried to get the license plate #’s of the other vehicles but they bolted out of sight when they saw me with pencil and paper.

It may be difficult for someone reading this to imagine the intimidation and covert threat inherent in this sudden ‘swarm’ of nasty looking guys in vehicles ‘swarming’ around you and your home, but ask a pro – this is how they do it.

When I called Jimmy Walter to find out where I could send information, he told me that he could only give me his PO Box – not his physical address – as he had been getting ‘death threats’.

I wonder who would threaten Jimmy Walter’s life?
A man who was so moved by the murder of 3,000 fellow Americans and the
now-obvious implications of government complicity -- he spent over $100,000 on commercials asking for the 9/11 investigation to be re-opened.
What a great guy! Who would want to hurt him?

I wonder who would NOT want ‘the American people’ to know more about The Patriot Act II laws that are being passed?

No doubt the same people who are doing the harassing.

ARTICLE POSTED ON APFN.NET by Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: I'm Running
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 13:08:29 -0500
From: Gov. Howard Dean, M.D.

Dear APFN,

As I have traveled across our country, I have talked to thousands of people who are working for change in their own communities about the power of politics to make a difference in their own lives and in the lives of others. Every group I have spoken to, I encouraged them to stand up for what they believe and to get involved in the electoral process -- because the only sure way to make difference is to step up and run for office yourself.

Today, I'm announcing my candidacy for the Chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee.

The Democratic Party needs a vibrant, forward-thinking, long-term presence in every single state and we must be willing to contest every race at every level. We will only win when we show up and fight for the issues important to all of us.

Another integral part of our strategy must be cultivating the party's grassroots. Our long term success depends on all of us taking an active role in our party and in the political process, by volunteering, going door to door and taking the Democratic message into every community, and by organizing at the local level. After all, new ideas and new leaders don't come from consultants; they come from communities.

As important as organization is, it alone can no longer win us elections. Offering a new choice means making Democrats the party of reform -- reforming America's financial situation, reforming our electoral process, reforming health care, reforming education and putting morality back in our foreign policy. The Democratic Party will not win elections or build a lasting majority solely by changing its rhetoric, nor will we win by adopting the other side's positions. We must say what we mean -- and mean real change when we say it.

But most of all, together, we have to rebuild the American community. We will never succeed by treating our nation as a collection of separate regions or separate groups. There are no red states or blues states, only American states. And we must talk to the people in all of these states as members of one community.

That word -- 'values' -- has lately become a codeword for appeasement of the right-wing fringe. But when political calculations make us soften our opposition to bigotry, or sign on to policies that add to the burden of ordinary Americans, we have abandoned our true values.

We cannot let that happen. And we cannot just mouth the words. Our party must speak plainly and our agenda must clearly reflect the socially progressive, fiscally responsible values that bring our party -- and the vast majority of Americans -- together.

All of this will require both national perspective and local experience. I know what it's like to lead hands-on at the state level and I know what it's like to run for national office.

With your help, this past election season, Democracy for America, already started creating the kind of organization the Democratic Party can be. This past election cycle, we endorsed over 100 candidates at all levels of government -- from school board to U.S. Senate. We contributed almost a million dollars to nearly 750 candidates around the country and raised millions of dollars for many more candidates.

Together, we helped elect a Democratic governor in Montana, a Democratic mayor of Salt Lake County, Utah and an African American woman to the bench in Alabama. Fifteen of the candidates we endorsed had never run for office before -- and won.

I also have experience building and managing a local party organization. My career started as Democratic Party chair in Chittenden County, Vermont. I then ran successful campaigns: for state legislature, lieutenant governor and then governor. In my 11-year tenure as governor, I balanced the state's budget every year.

I served as chair of both the National Governors' Association and the Democratic Governors' Association (DGA). And as chair of the DGA, I helped recruit nearly 20 governors that won -- even in states like Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Mississippi.

All of these experiences have only reaffirmed what I know to be true. There is only one party that speaks to the hopes and dreams of all Americans. It is the party you have already given so much to. It is the Democratic Party.

We can win elections only by standing up for what we believe.

Thank you and I look forward to listening to your concerns in the weeks ahead.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.