Occupied Territory II- Anarchist Gathering

by Breezy Monday, Nov. 15, 2004 at 12:53 PM

Occupied Territory II Feb 2005 - Bay Area


Join Us In Planning Occupied Territory II
Send An E-Mail To Occupiedterritory@riseup.net

Occupied Territory II: Of Ballot Boxes and Dreams

Out of the (Ballot) Box, and Into the Street

A social experiment is taking place; you are one of the subjects determining its outcome. We have before us an administration bent on expanding an ideological view that sees manifest destiny as a logical advance for US elite’s. Capital has never been this homogenized, the state never been this ferocious, the spectacle never been so clear. Spray paint something on a white wall, see how long it stays up. Critique your teacher in class, and see how long you stay in the room. Authoritarian systems can't handle critique. If it's possible to critique, then it's even more possible to come up with alternatives.

An alternative that’s what people are looking for. It's on the tip of everyone's tongue, will we give it a name? It's in the forefront of everyone's thoughts. Will we create an alternative realization (or reality)? Are we out to perpetuate oppression, or will people join our ranks? Are we out to create just another ism, or will people be drawn to us as we arm ourselves alongside them on the factory floor as we head for the bosses office, zip each other’s back packs as we leave the scene of what they will call crimes, grow food with each other as we defend the earth that we call home, hold each other & catch the tears of sorrow and joy? Tears and Sweat that are watering the seeds of new life.

Seattle has come and gone, San Francisco we know can be shut down, and Chiapas and Buenos Aires gleam in the distance.We know we can occupy, but the question is: can we sustain it?

Many laughed at us when we said that voting wasn't the answer, and then they found themselves in the same streets as us, demanding, acting, breathing, abandoned, awakening and living. In cities across the empire, people erupted in anger, not just at the presidential selection, but at the system in general.
Against the sham of US democracy, where only a few powerful parties can act in the show.
Against the sham of freedom when all there is are conglomerates of wealth and capital. The intense politicization leading up to the election left many feeling that their votes would count. Now that? When those with faith in the electoral system have realized that again they have been marginalized, they’re asking: what now?
Four years from now will "Anyone But Bush" again be the battle cry? Or are we going to be so enraptured by the sight of a new dawn, embracing the freedom and connection my hand feels in yours as we give all we have to take back our lives.

Will we only look back and laugh?
Now that we've left the ballot box behind,
how do we approach the dream?

Occupied Territory II

In the summer of 2004, over 75 people, (around 15 were detained or stopped by police), gathered in the [mountains] woods outside of Fresno. In the forests, rocks, meadows, and streams that some of us had never seen before, we built our community. General assemblies, work groups, kitchen collectives, security teams, and spontaneous work groups made sure that things kept running and working. Anarchy never tasted so sweet, and liberation so real. We talked into the night, with words, ideas, and opinions so true and strong they disgraced Internet message boards and websites the world over. When all that stood between federal agents and our community was us, some flashlights, walkie-talkies, and solidarity, we knew we were fighting for was more than a street or an intersection, we were fighting for what would be our home.

We are asking for your presence once again to stand with us once more. To discuss and plan, organize and talk, wonder and argue. To bask in the inspiration of each others stories, histories, struggles and skills.

We call you to Occupied Territory.

Information Thus Far

Firstly, please make use of http://www.occupiedterritory.net, and keepchecking back for updates on the gathering. Occupied Territory will take place in the Bay Area, in the later part of February of 2005. Topics will be structured around various themes, and presentations by collectives and groups regarding subjects including:

1.) Anarchists and Labor (IWW Organizing in Stockton, Etc)
2.) Anarchists and the Natural Environment/Animals (Earth First!, Etc)
3.) Anarchists Resisting Empire/Globalization (Direct Action to Stop the War, Etc)
4.) Anarchist and Mental Health, Self Care, Community Care
5.) Anarchist and Anti-Oppression; Challenging Racism, Sexism, ablism, Homophobia, Classism

There will also be a highlight on discussions and workshops on the following:

1.) Post-RNC Reports and Thoughts. Where can direct action in mass mobilizations go from here? What will anarchists’ presence at large demonstrations look like? Was the RNC successful?

2.) Post-Elections: Is there a consensus on voting? Was the Don't (Just) Vote campaign and others like it a good campaign? Can others be moved beyond electoral politics? What do we do now to defeat the US Empire and capitalist Agenda?

If you are interested in speaking, or doing a specific project for the event, please email: occupiedterritory@riseup.net
By January 1st, 2005

Until Every Forest Is Defended - Until Every Factory is occupiedUntil Harmony and Respect Return

we will continue - against all authority
Yours Truely - Occupied Territory Organizing Collective