Kill The Evil? Make Sure It is Profitable$$$

by fnget about tin Saturday, Nov. 13, 2004 at 12:54 AM
USA, Burning? Let it go

All of those angry people shouting and it does nothing. Tear things up, burn them? Why, if it does not make $$$$. Our enemies thrive on $$$ and enslave us with it.

The US government and California government in Los Angeles are the great betrayers. I served their military in that city and then they betrayed me.

If a nuclear bomb is ever detonated in Los Angeles, I want to be 10 feet from ground zero so I can defend them One More Time. I will put up a g.d. homing beacon.

MF those filthy rich pigs and their angry baton wielding gun toting criminals with badges.

Care for some dope? ask the border patrol and customs. The fed there is knee deep in gold dope, including the Medical marijuana they sell for the price of gold.

Our enemies have invaded america from the inside and now are performing forced experiments at the LA VA Westwood. Proven fact. They also force felony pleas with no chance of trial by jury.

Let us that a precision surgical attack can be made to rid LA of the snakes ,as that is better than the nuke solution. But what must be done will happen regardless of what those fascist pigs of the Regime want.

G. D. America, Break it up into at least 4 to 50 nation states.

Original: Kill The Evil? Make Sure It is Profitable$$$