by * Thursday, Nov. 04, 2004 at 9:26 PM


Everyone knows. Now everyone knows.

Are you revolting yet?

It has become common knowledge among many, now, that christianity is just a front for lying, cheating, and stealing, under the auspices of faith in some higgledy-piggeldy-patchwork and cobbled-together god. And this points to the one true fact behind Christianity, the bottom line, as it were. That so called religion, in all its varied and pasted together aspects and sects, is nothing but a form of mind control used to confuse and distract weak and lazy minded people into thinking they are special enough to deserve Gods direct attention. To make them believe God is on their side. It is used as justification for all sorts of nefarious activities up to and including what they themselves define as sodomy. Sodomy on their gods terms is OK, it seems. This lacking and extremely idiotic christian mindset is wielded as a weapon by criminal controllers who are squatting in the seats of power, and who use the created ignorance of Christian Judaism to perpetuate war for profit, genocide, corruption of the electoral process and much more.

Are you revolting yet?

Are you revolting enough?

This state of affairs does have many positive aspects to it, though. The people who have departed from this man made creation of ignorance and shame called Christianity are truly justified in believing themselves better, in understanding that they are being victimized by a lesser form of humanity. And there are MANY of us now. Revolution is no longer a peripheral and esoteric ideal to be bandied about as a thing of the past, something that was once necessary, but has gone the way of the horse and buggy. No. Revolution is still real, and is becoming more real daily.

Are you revolting yet?

Are you revolting ENOUGH?

Because we are better people, who now understand so much more about the needy saps taken in by their lonliness and grumbling bellies, our revolution does not necessarily have to follow the parameters of revolutions that have come before. In fact, because we are better, we can actually perform revolution on a much broader and more thorough scale than has ever come before. We share certain traits among ourselves that make us much different than revolutionaries of the past, and we have oh so many tools at our disposal, tools denied to the relative few whose minds have been captured and perverted with false ideas and blatant lies concerning god, and with their overall place within realities scheme. By the very nature of their beliefs they have limited themselves, and are only powerful in their numbers, and in their abilities to lie cheat and steal. The relative few who run the sheep of this false mentality called christianity are without resources that really count in the long run. They cannot create, they cannot innovate, they must lie and cheat and steal to gain what little bit of original thinking they are even capable of harnessing for their simple and warlike ends. This is the first aspect the modern revoltionary MUST understand. The foe is totally dependent upon our largesse, our capable minds and free-thinking ways, for any innovation.

Are you revolting yet?

Are you revolting ENOUGH?

Reverse control through misinformation is a powerful tool. We must learn to encrypt and encode our most sensitive communications, and leave the rest as scraps for the dogs of christian bushism. Within the scraps we must place the occasional fish hook, to injure and kill these parasites who depend on our thinking to live. It is not hard to do, and when done correctly the results are easy to see and horrible in their consequences to the liars and cheaters and thieves. Death to them, I say, and their foul ways of thinking, their pathetic beliefs, and their sadly mistaken anti-survival fancies concerning their nearness to god. We must begin to form economic unions outside of their debased and debt-creating currency, based on barter and Alternative currencies. Indy media is the perfect place for this (GO ST LOUIS!!!!) and great effort must be taken to exempt the liars and cheaters and thieves from this union. It is their intent to starve any who do not believe as they do, understand that. And in spite of their words, their paltry and incomplete minds are simply based on mean-ness. They are troglodytes of intellect, wielding clubs, stomping down freedom of thought, all the while murdering babies, and women, and old men. If we are to live, if we are to survive, we must destroy their currency. We must make them uncurrent. It will happen of its own accord in time, is happening now in fact, at a very great pace, but that pace is still measured in decades, and we do not have time to waste. Their draft has begun, and their nazi surveillance and police forces are in place. It is not hard to sabotage these things, and even a small group with an understanding of the intricacies and necessities of this police-state-of-affairs can cause great damage. A large group, with advanced intellects, such as ourselves, can bring their ill-founded machinations to a halt immediately. I think the very word sabotage comes from the word sabot, which is french for a shoe made of wood. Sabots were thrown into gears of machines early in the industrial revolution, causing great damage and financial ruin to the machines owners. There you have it.

Are you revolting?

Are You Revolting Enough?