United Israeli Emirates of North America

by S. O'Donnell Monday, Oct. 04, 2004 at 3:00 AM

The United Israeli Emirates of North America
by Stojgniev O’Donnell

A new state was established on 11 September 2001. The new state abandoned all the old pretensions to democracy, and it raised to power the chosen oligarchy that already had ruled the former United States of America for the past several decades. The new state is a United Israeli Emirates, ruled by a special princely caste. As is the typical crafty practice of Jewish societies, the oligarchy allowed a figurehead to remain as visible head of state, a weak WASP ignorant of all history and culture, a member of the blueblood New England aristocracy who masquerades as a peckerwood in cowboy boots and is barely in command of his native English language. Yet the real power was retained, as it had been for decades, in the hands of the shrewd Jewish sheiks and minor nobility: Steins, Cohens, Katzes, and Greenbergs.

Even the atheist majority among the Jewish oligarchy thanked providence for 11 September, when the deaths and sacrifices of non-Jews enabled the Jews to convince Americans that all the political goals of Israel are identical to the political goals of America. Though almost all who died on 11 September were non-Jews, including some ethnic types quite distasteful to the Jews, such as Irish Catholics, those American deaths, in the shallowness of the American mind, came somehow to symbolize the struggle between Israel and the Arabs. The events of 11 September reduced contemporary world events to a simple scenario that simple minds could easily grasp: “bad people” had cheered 11 September; “good people” were horrified.

Never mind that the various Middle Eastern conflicts are far more complex than most American minds can ever comprehend. Americans always seek to solve the problems immediately at hand in a simple, direct manner. If evil Soviet communists commit an aggression, in Afghanistan, for example, then let America finance a terror network inspired by radical Islam, regardless of future consequences. If it is expedient for America to back a Latin American dictator, then give him support and think no more about the future repercussions until they blow up in your face. Such has been the ahistorical management style of the American movers and shakers.

Poor, ignorant America, a land without history and culture. The Americans came to associate 11 September with radical Islam, a movement that does not represent the entire Islamic world. Yet Americans, now, are less interested in defining and understanding their enemies than they are in counting their allies. If you are not with us, they say, you are against us. Fortunately Europe now is summoning its courage to oppose the American madness. In that collective dullness that is the American mind, the goals of Israel have become intertwined with the goals of America. This idea enthusiastically is promoted in American churches by the great mass of cracker sectarians, a people whose ancestors severed all ties with civilization when they established themselves in the great American Babylon. Those pro-Israel forces concentrated in the Bible Belt, as ignorant of the world as the most fanatical advocates of radical Islam, wield enormous influence in the American Congress, second only to the Jewish oligarchy.

Unfortunately, the future of the new United Israeli Emirates of North America is bleak. Do not purchase any government bonds from that entity, if you value your savings. While the Jewish oligarchy imagines that the American masses are eager to clean their palaces, grow their crops, and service their automobiles, as they enjoy the sweet life of the privileged, history tells us that the Jewish oligarchy always encourages resentment in its servants. In America, the straw that breaks the camel’s back will be the Americans’ military and political humiliation at the hands of radical Islam. In spite of their hopeless ignorance of geography and history, Americans eventually will come to understand what it means to sacrifice their youth in a hopeless war to advance the goals of Israel.

The brief history of the United Israeli Emirates of North America will be immortalized in special museums, films, novels, university courses, and scholarly journals. It will be interpreted as a story of “morality” and “enlightenment” versus depravity. The phenomenon will boost many Jewish careers. The Jews who agitated the American war against the Arabs will be enshrined as martyrs and heroes. As has happened so many times throughout history, the gulf between the facts and the Jewish interpretation of the facts will be greater than the distance between Islamabad and the Milky Way.
