Needed Political Strategists, 75 % Alabamians support med. marijuana, 50% Can Not Vote

by Kurt Brown, aka Saint Ram Bone Tuesday, Sep. 07, 2004 at 6:40 PM

Alabama needs help in arranging a political campaign to legalize marijuana. Outlets needed on the coast according to the sick and dieing.

75% of Alabamians support medical marijuana legalization. We need your most talented, but leave the mafia out of it.

Links to prove what I am saying is here.

The home page is linked at the bottom with links to comedy, science, free art, music, and horrors of investigating mafia in federal banking regulators in San Francisco. One dead regional FDIC director, circa 92, and one living assassination attempt victim, twice. Nobody cares.

P.S. Watch out for mercury in the Gulf Coast's larger fish, and do not forget to phone in to the local police department to find out who is the preferred broker of California Prozac.

One kid just got five years for 27 pounds, min. mandatory. It is good thing he did not have one plant. They would have added 3 more years, and if within a cetain distance of a school five more. Pedophiles do less time.

Help I am surrounded by imbeciles and they are being directed by the enemy. I think everyone deserves as many ganja plants as medical needs dictaste, just like SF and Amsterdam.