Sack the Rich

by Sheepdog Sunday, Aug. 29, 2004 at 3:22 AM

Why do people obsess with wealth? I've been castigated by the weasels for retiring into worn phrases that have been echoing throughout the ages. I feel so confused... Hmmm let me sort this out.

Somehow the keepers of the media and banking systems and the corporate overlords of commerce have elevated themselves into a de facto royalty fawned upon by the image control systems.

Take a look around and you see it everywhere. We see it everywhere in the selection process of appointments to positions of power. You see it in the icons of success. Most of these individuals would die of exposure locked out of their house. Yet the solutions sought are only accredited if the source of these solutions has obtained wealth legally or illegally not withstanding. We should view obscene wealth as criminality in most cases. Now they are carried by a well leashed media into manufactured acceptance ( I've adopted and modified a Chomskyism for the ones who accuse me of plagiarizing ) and admiration for the amount of this accumulation.

I do believe that the most effective method of resistance is the rejection of Wealth worship and denouncing its manifestations in the entertainment medias. Wealth carries incredible burdens to the ones blessed/cursed with it. As much as it is difficult to feel even the smallest compassion for these powerful makers of policy is because they have treacherous enemies of their own making. They cannot trust they, cannot really love. They deserve pity for their sickness and derision for their greed. Recognize it and refute it where ever and when ever you see this. It resonates. It cuts across class and race lines like a knife through butter. I believe it is a reasonable platform for organization at any level.


Original: Sack the Rich