The Clock of Now - Campaign Wonder - A UNN13 Expose'

by Underground News Network Monday, Aug. 02, 2004 at 5:25 PM

Stevie Wonder...

The Clock Of Now
Campaign Wonder

{'An Underground News Network Expose'}

"We are 21st century 'Black' revolutionaries whose weapon is the pen-words are ammunition of choice, our divine gift-violence is the way of the savage beast- The language of relativity is the language of all things which is a language all unto itself being universal...

Right information programs the mind for knowing-the universal language has the effect of the Zen Koan - so one can see [the light beyond the leaves,] the surface, and know the depth or obscure meaning; sound and light transcends the boundaries of time.

"We demand accountability and responsibility from our leaders."

The Underground News Network Team
July 27 2004

Original: The Clock of Now - Campaign Wonder - A UNN13 Expose'