by know your rights Monday, Jul. 26, 2004 at 1:32 PM

"You have the right to free speech.... that is, if you're crazy enough to actually try it!" - Know your Rights, The Clash

freespeech.jpg, image/jpeg, 410x272

Do we now live in the Soviet Union? You as an American can only "protest" inside a cage topped with razor wire and surrounded by Riot Police... all the while being video taped by Big Brother's cameras. So this is what it's come to. But... the "terrorists are coming"... so don't worry, when we've had ALL OF OUR RIGHTS taken away, we'll be safe! Photo shows area designated by authorities for organized "protests" enclosed by mesh and chain link fencing near the site of the upcoming Democratic National Convention, in Boston, Wednesday, July 21, 2004. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Original: FREE SPEECH?