Massive Propaganda

by 1Planet1People Saturday, Jul. 10, 2004 at 4:08 AM

Isn’t this the greatest political propaganda that has ever existed?

Massive Propaganda...
terrorelections.jpg, image/jpeg, 280x210

Isn’t this the greatest political propaganda that has ever existed? Not even a month after Fahrenheit 9/11 helped to spread the words of fear democracy (something that many of us known for years) to the masses, the US government kicks Bush’s ‘the sky is falling’ campaign into overdrive. Though, the international policy with the middle east will be the same either way, many on the current administration members ties to companies that have billions of dollars to lose if Kerry took control of their no-bid contracts and awarded them to his constituents. What ever their justifications are (we may never know the true extent of their greed), the practice of fear politics is evident. To tell voters that there is going to be a really bad terrorist attack on or around Election Day, the government maximizes the population’s fear as the vote is cast. This will creates the emotions of hate and racism; this represents Bush’s war of Terror. Since Bush has killed so many Middle Eastern people with its assume kid killing cluster bombs, and he supports American Zionists by giving massive amounts of money to other terror states like Israel. This has a chance to win, as many average and ‘uninformed’ people will lean toward their present emotions during an election. This stunt, when produced correctly (consistent national news), is a proven tool as demonstrated by Stalin and then by the German National Socialists. The terms it uses also is persuasive in pushing people away from voting for a democrat by saying, “Bin Laden and his top lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri, are overseeing the attack plans from their remote hideouts somewhere along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, according to senior intelligence officials…Sources said al Qaeda is plotting an attack similar to the Madrid train bombings, which killed nearly 200 people just days before Spain's elections in March. Spain's elections resulted in the ouster of a conservative government that had joined the United States in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The opposition Socialists had campaigned on a pledge to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq”. (CNN) They should just come out and say, “Bin Laden wants you to vote for Kerry, therefore stand strong America, lets go kick some middle eastern ass”. I can’t wait until all of the stuff from this administration gets declassified as I am going to enjoy seeing behind the scenes on the biggest propaganda show in the world.

Original: Massive Propaganda