The Secrete War of Laos

by Wavemaster Tuesday, Jun. 22, 2004 at 8:02 PM

The Secret War of Laos, Bombies and Abugrave What Does it all mean?

The Secret War of Laos, Bombies and Abugrave

Between 1964 and 1973 the United States conducted a secret air war, dropping over 2 million tons of bombs and making tiny Laos the most heavily bombed country in history. Millions of these cluster bombs did not explode when dropped, leaving the country massively contaminated with “bombies” as dangerous now as when they fell a quarter century ago. BOMBIES examines the problem of unexploded cluster bombs through the personal experiences of a group of Laotians and foreigners and argues for their elimination as a weapon of war. Unfortunately they are still a standard part of the US arsenal and were dropped both in Kosovo and Afghanistan.

In this film they show George Mc Govern and Ted Kennedy in the Senate commities explaining what was Happening in Laos, as this story was breaking. Like Abu Grave it was a whistle blower who exposed this war crime that our government was doing in secret. If one looks at the history of American forgein policy which is full of incidents like this one, you can't help but think, Why does this keep happening?

Don't forget it was a democrat in the office at the time this was going on, Lyndon B. Johnston. This scandal was the reason he did not run for a second term. It is strikingly similar to the current scandals of this administration. Is this administration really that much different? Are the Neo Cons really a new phenomenon? The only difference is now there is no Soviet Empire to slow America's thirst for power and resources. Now it is the world, thanks to Bush, more educated about the nature of Americas foreign policy that is united to stop it. And because of the Internet and modern communication technologies, movements are springing up every day to resist corporate power and the dictators that the U.S. props up to serve it.

How is it that since WW2 the CIA and the War Profiteers are able to circumvent congressional oversight and commite these atrocities. From Dealing drugs and trading weapons for hostages in Iran Contra to the current Iraq intelligence debacle, it's always the same. The committees get formed and the commissions issue reports and the characters like Ollie North wind up getting their own show on FOX.

Will Kerry be any different? No I'm afraid not. He like Bush is just a puppet for the War Profiteers and the Political Elite. So blue collar Nascar Dad keep driving your SUV with that American Flag proudly displayed on the windshield and when November comes along do your patriotic duty and vote for Bush and Cheny. The Billionaire Bankers and the Illuminate who really run the Country are counting on you. There are still a few forests left to cut down and don't listen to Those crazy liberals there is no such thing as Global Warming. And the rising gas prices, well That’s cause those liberals won't let us drill up there in the Artic, and those greedy Saudis well, They wont produce any more oil. No its not because we control the market and Bush, we wouldn't Dare manipulate the market to gauge California Consumers; just don't listen to those Enron Tapes! For more information and to get involved, click here.