Justice Draws Closer for Gonzalo Martinez

by builder123 Sunday, May. 23, 2004 at 7:36 PM

Family and friends held a candlelight vigil outside the Downey Police Station to mark the police killing of Gonzalo Martinez. Words of grief, encouragement and now finally solid hope were exchanged.

Justice Draws Closer...
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Downey CA - February 15, 2004

Yielding to community outrage and new counsel the courts have revoked Downey’s killer cops prosecution immunity and in all probability will be handing over crucial police cruiser videotape currently being withheld from the Martinez family at the June 3rd court appearance. Norma, Gonzalo’s mom Friday speaking of the tape release said the following, “I think that the judge is going to grant this (tape release) and then everybody is going to see what they really did to my son, how the brutally killed my son…”

Next month Gonzalo’s parents, Norma and Norberto will be going to New York to continue their petition for justice in the murder of their son before the United Nations and Organization of American States.

Get Background Information http://rwor.org/a/v24/1161-1170/1167/gonzalomartinez.htm , Stay informed on Police Brutality with http://www.october22.org./

Stream Audio Files

Interview October 22 Organizer

Gonzalo Killed in Front of My Home

they killed our future

Norma and Norberto Martinez

Original: Justice Draws Closer for Gonzalo Martinez