Who beheaded Berg?

by Gandhi Sunday, May. 16, 2004 at 9:49 PM

Who really beheaded Berg?

Who beheaded Berg?...
d.jpg, image/jpeg, 225x150

Iraq/Bastard Nation 13.05.2004: Who really killed Bambi? A fake video at the right time on the right place! Any time when the US bastard Regime is faced with troubles their Avatar Bin Laden is on the spot reliable and punctual to draw off the attention of the US simple minded and world public. An US bastard officer affirmed that Berg was prisoned by Iraq police for two weeks and the FBI meanwile (apparently illegally operating in Iraq) has interviewed Berg three times and audited that Berg was not involved in criminal and terroist activities said the Military spokescretin Dan Senor. This means that for the US bastards Berg was a suspected person maybe working against occupation myrmidons For more confusion the Iraqi puppet police chief of Mosul Mohammed Khair al Barhawi rebut the evidence of US offical bastards that Iraqi police has never arrested the killed American. Berg was traced by intelligence service thats a fact and in the next moment in the hands of Al Kaida. Did they work close together or took Al Kaida such a risk to operate in the anteroom of CIA in the neighborhood or are the CIA bastards such sappy that a Terror group is able to operate right from under their nose. Cut. Staying on a small farm on which chickens get beheaded on a wood tick, running around in the yard headless for a fast bleed to death. The blood spouts for meters. Cut. Asking operative surgeons what happens if a carotid artery is open - blood comes pouring down hardly to handle. In fear of death the pulse quicken to double rate at least, cutting the head off opening both carotid arteries on the video anything must be covered with blood but there is no drop you can see. Nothing! It a fake killing of an corpse used for propaganda. Like the never seen airplane which hits the Pentagon in 2001. The question behind is who has the most profit ?

Even at first glance, internet bloggers were asking on Thursday why Nick Berg was wearing an orange jumpsuit – just like US prisoners wear. Other net-surfers point to the unlikely timing of the executioner's dubbed announcement that Berg was to die for "Iraqi prisoner abuse". Berg was last seen alive on 10 April, when his father Michael Berg believes he was killed - two weeks before the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal broke in the world's media. Some discussions focus on the timing of the video's release - guaranteed to divert attention from the outrage regarding US torture of Iraqis.

Video oddities
There are plenty of questions raised concerning the video too. The body is completely motionless even as the knife is brought to bear – not so much as an instinctive wriggle. More graphically, some claim that cutting the throat's artery would cause a significant amount of blood. But little emerges and when the head was raised – not a drop of blood is seen to fall.
In a possible explanation, one discussion room member suggested that Berg was killed and then beheaded later. However, the circumstances of the video release are also strange. A Reuters journalist in Dubai first named the Muntada al-Ansar al-Islami website as the source for the video – at www.al-ansar.biz. Although the site has now been shut down, Aljazeera.net had looked at the site within ninety minutes of the story breaking – and could find no such video footage. But Fox News, CNN and the BBC were all able to download the footage from the Arabic-only website and report the story within the hour.

Days leading to death
Other questions presented by bloggers are Berg's peculiar circumstances in the weeks before his death. Why would a private Jewish American citizen choose to wander around Iraq by himself? Additionally, some have pointed out that his last email on 6 April to his family stated he wished to return home as soon as possible – yet the FBI claim he refused an offer of help to get home. In the wider press, FBI involvement has also generated much discussion as to why Berg was really arrested and detained for two weeks in Mosul.
The unemployed visitor was suspicious enough for Iraqi police to arrest him (which was denied now by police chief of Mosul Mohammed Khair al Barhawi) – with FBI knowledge. He had only just been released from prison where he had been held for 13 days by Iraqi police for reasons he said he did not know.

Family blames government
A US newspaper claims an official familiar with the case knew that FBI agents had interogated Berg, but had left him for two weeks because he was in Iraqi - not American - custody. But the official was unable to clarify the legal difference between the two, given the US occupation. On 5 April, Berg's family filed a suit in federal court in Philadelphia - contending that their son was being held illegally by the US military in Iraq. The next day he was released and left to get
himself home.
The last time the family heard from him was on 9 April, his headless body was found near Mosul on 8 May. "That's really what cost my son his life, the fact that the United States government saw fit to keep him in custody for 13 days without any of his due process or civil rights," Michael Berg said.

Final question
Some bloggers focused on the accent of the purported executioner. Many deny the accent is either Iraqi or Jordanian - while claims the voice is Egyptian or Iranian have been made. The Jordanian accused of the beheading Berg is himself believed to have been killed in March, according to two Islamist groups.
An eight-page leaflet circulated this week in Falluja, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in the Sulaimaniya mountains of northern Iraq during a US bombing. But even if it was the Jordanian, one discussion room member observes his face is so well-known that "why would he bother to cover it?"

Provider in Malaysia?
Jazzira Net changes. So we beat the bushes around Jazzira Net and a number of things happened.

The fwaed.net/.com/.org are now using the name servers NS11.TASSMEEM.NET and NS12.TASSMEEM.NET, the latter being noteworthy as it's running in an IP address we didn't know to be used by Jazzira Net:
albargothy.net is no longer registered to Jazzira Net, but rather to:
Albargothy, Abu Hamad
Albargothy Net
Spicher Strasse 47 Haffen
Dortmund, Dusseldorf 44541
Though we note that albargothey.net *is* still using the ns1 and ns2.jazzira.net name servers in Atlanta. Meanwhile, jazziza.net is now registered to a new name and address in Saudi:
Ali, Ibrahim
Jazzira NET
Ulaya Main Str 455 Building 5
Riyadh, Riyadh 11411
jazzira.net is now using the ns1 and ns2.jzr.biz name servers.

Finally, tassmeem.net is using the ns11 and ns12.tassmeem.net name servers in Malaysia, and is now registered to:
NET, Tassmeem dns@jazzira.net
Tassmeem NET
Abu Salim Building451 Jiza
Jiza, Cairo 25141
There is precious little reason to believe that any of these names and addresses are real. The fact remains that webserver.com.my continues to happily provide network services to a broad range Jihadist sites. These sites operate on only a handful of IP addresses on an even smaller number of servers