Billder For President 2004

by billder Thursday, May. 13, 2004 at 8:13 AM

First Draft Declaration Of Write-in Presidential Candidacy of Bill Gallagher, 2004 Presidential Election, United States Of America.

Billder For Presiden...
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A Platform for sane and survival-oriented American Government. Last chance, kids.

1. Legalize use, sales, and cultivation of marijuana/hemp. Release all marijuana
prisoners being held in the debtors prison of the Federal Reserve.

2. Institute harsh economic penalties against ANY nation producing coca or opium.

3. Institute law to require any and ALL surveillance to be plainly labeled.

4. Abolish ALL foreign intervention in American banking. Give Americas Treasury
back to America. RE-Make Congress the ONLY legal entity allowed to mint currency
in the United States of America. Promote the use of alternative currencies.

5. Educate about, and promote the use of alternative fuels.

6. Arrest bill and hillary clinton, george senior and boy georgebush as well as jeb bush on charges of conspiracy to commit treason against America.

7. Demonopolize Americas media and medical industrises at all costs.

8. It would take the combined military forces of the world a century to restore
the human environment to its condition prior to the desecration of the little tin
industrialists. Begin in America and set the example for the world.

9. Abolish the federal reserve and their income tax. Institute a 1% TRANSACTION
tax, NO EXEMPTIONS, even the big boys pay, banks and churches ESPECIALLY. Do the
math, if the big boys pay one percent on all transactions, as well as the working
class, there will be more money generated tax-wise than the government gets now
by whipping the working class with ultra-taxation.

10.Funnel the police-state law enforcement personnel generated by the nazi bush family into corporate revenue collection, the private sector, and into environmental
clean-up. Promote ownership of firearms as deterrent to crime. IT WORX!

11. Introduce heavy economic deterrents against non-US citizens and ALL corporations
owning non-producing farmland of any type.

12. Introduce a DRASTIC reduction in bureaucracys from the local to federal levels,
through efficient utilization of technology.

13. Abolish The cia and nsa, as well as all other unaccountable intelligence agencies.

14. Dissolve NASA and introduce incentives for the privatization of space.

15. No more chemtrail spraying or broadcast law enforcement. Dismantle the entire
HAARP/GWEN/TMT system. Dissolve Time Domain Corporation and arrest its present directors
for treason.

16. Make directed energy weaponry of all types 100% illegal.

17. Get ALL religion OUT of Government.

18. Educate about, and create incentives for population control.

Bill Gallagher