Outbreak during Rumsfeld's Testimony

by 1Planet1People Saturday, May. 08, 2004 at 1:41 PM

At 9:10am (PST) durning the Rumsfeld testimony, a group of progresive individuals demanded that Rumsfeld be charged as a war criminal.

There is no question that people in the pentagon knew for months that our soldiers and terrorists hired by our government were torturing Iraqi citizens. During the testimony of Rumsfeld to a U.S. Senate committee, he tried to say that an investigation was ongoing and that the situation will be dealt with. We know from reports inside the pentagon that people had known for a long time, and the best way to waste time is to investigate and then act afterwards. The study about global warming began in the 1980s and has not concluded to this day. The truth is that Rumsfeld is dragging his feet. We, as progressive minded activists demand that Rumsfeld be turned over to the United Nations to stand trial for crimes against humanity and that President Bush be immediately impeached. Like minded individuals in Washington have similar ideas and spoke up at 9:10am (PST) to demand that Rumsfeld be charged as a war criminal. I want to personally thank these activists and though the Republicrates will not act, we are doing all we can. Further, I demand that the corporations hired to terrorize Iraqi citizens be held accountable. The CEO and President of this company should be arrested and tried on the same charges we have reserved for Bin Laden.

Original: Outbreak during Rumsfeld's Testimony