by Albert Kada Saturday, Apr. 03, 2004 at 10:54 PM
davecom@io.com remote intelligence outpost in Texas

Tucker Carlson, of CNN'S CROSSFIRE wants to see more dead Marines. He showed a picture of a burning car and called it the desecration of US bodies. He also said that is an excuse to radomly murder 4 PERSIANS. A fabrication with the intent of murder.

Carlson went on to lie about families who saw the alleged burnt goats hanging from a Persian bridge miles from Fallujah near Baghdad.

CNN also repeated the dead troop order they issued earlier today from Paul Bremer, THE NEW SADDAM and some other idiot. It is not clear whether THE NEW SADDAM, Paul Bremer is with the US military. He was ununiformed when he called for the assasination.

Scott Helventon has apparantly killed his last Arab for money.

The CNN newswire indicated that he was guarding food from poor hungry Iraqis.

Wolf Blitzer has been alerted and is hoping the next target is a major US city. So am I. Blitzer is getting wiser all the time.

Iran showed off their latest grade of Uranium today at an international WMD expo.

Bird Flu has been wiped out in Asia.

Chickens here are running wild.

China sent a preemptive domino expert to Houston Texas several years ago to prove that they hold the world's record for lining up dominos and knocking them down.

CNBC'S Dennis Miller wants to play dominos with THE ONE CHINA.

Donald Trump's golf handicap is up.

Mispelled words count double.

The King of Nepal has canceled Democracy for obvious reasons.

7 new flags were raised over NATO today.

Wolf probed an ununiformed General who said NATO could do more to WIN THE WAR ON TERRORISM. Wolf doesn't really know what NATO is doing. Niether do I.

William Bennet has decided not to talk about politics on his right wing political talk show. Bennet confessed to being a conservative. Bennet also enjoys gambling.

I will try to keep my eye on Miller tonight and rat him out again.

by Albert Kada
Independent Terrorist Journalist
World's only publisher of computer viruses besides Microsoft.
designer of the Patriot softwareless electronic voting machine.
designer of the IONOSPHERE HOG.
Stolen from the the frequently unpublished newspaper "The American Blasphemer" please copy