by Albert Kada Thursday, Apr. 01, 2004 at 2:18 PM
davecom@io.com remote intelligence outpost in Texas

William F. Buckley lied as usual, on the Dennis Miller Show on CNBC on my CATV system yesterday. He was trying to sell a book of lies about the Berlin Wall. The biggest whopper told was when he conceded to Dennis that WE WON THE COLD WAR. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Make no mistake, Buckley knows he lied, he gets paid for that.

Buckley made a facist of himself during the 1980's claiming that his misleading propaganda could overthrow the US government by making the office of the president the dictator of the entire world. His plan has almost worked. The DPRK and Venezuela are still holding out.

The removal of the Berlin Wall marked the reunification of Germany.

The Russian revolutionary leader Gorbachev, best editorial writer of the 1980's, announced his plan for glasnost which is what has been demanded of the Bush administration. This led to many changes in the former Soviet Union.

The breakup of the Soviet Union was the result of economic warfare aganist the world which was standard foreign policy during the Reagan administration. This combined with geography assured Reagan of a short term win.

When you tell an intentional lie with the intention of doing damage to someone else, like Buckley does, you should be held liable for the damage. Buckley avoids prosecution by being vague although the noose is tightening every day.

Buckley can be combatted against with other methods besides lawsuits.

He can be contained by pointing out the untruths that he tells and can be reduced to irrelevence by shunning others who share his beliefs.

Buckley cannot contain me or reduce me because I am not yet dead. Buckley had the look of death on his face yesterday.

Buckley also lied about the healthcare system which would not exist without socialism. In the entire history of the United States, healthcare has always depended on socialism.

William F. Buckley has been getting paid with laundered tax money for at least 25 years to undermine democracy and the constitution of the United States. Anyone want to read his book? I would like to burn all of his books in the interest of education.

We lost the cold war to William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan and I plan to win it back.

Buckley is also an example of why an honest writer cannot make a decent living in the United States which is a representative democracy born of a revolutionary government as outlined by the constitution which was written by liberals. Lies make more money than the truth. Until the truth becomes critical. Then writers like Buckley become cannon fodder for realistic analysts and his books make good kindling.

All conservatives are unpatriotic cowards and facists. Prove that is a lie.

Buckley has caused irrepairable harm to me and the United States in the interest of profits.

Buckley is also endangering the troops by inspiring hatred of Americans with his arrogant and pompous books of lies.

I have not seen a fair election in the United States in my entire lifetime. Buckley knows that is true yet he claims that the US is a DEMOCRACY.

Let me sum up the entire Buckley library with one statement. MONEY TALKS, BS WALKS.

I predict that this man will die penniless and alone.

There are 0 lies in this article and mispelled words count double.

by Albert Kada
Independent Terrorist Journalist
World's only publisher of computer viruses besides Microsoft.
designer of the Patriot softwareless electronic voting machine.
designer of the IONOSPHERE HOG.
Stolen from the the frequently unpublished newspaper "The American Blasphemer" please copy