SOS..America Under Seige From Within...Google Soc.Veterans Group Blocked Also

by Agent 017 Thursday, Mar. 25, 2004 at 7:37 AM
America, The Prison State

America is under seige. It is sad to say but some people who claim to be Jewish may not be. No Jew would kill an Arab like a Goat and steal from the Innocent. Never salute their conquered Flag. LA is scheduled for their greatest Horrors. Flee America America

It appears that many of Google groups and Indymedia are being blocked.


A Nazi is someone who kills for the greed and the thrill. Ariel Sharon and likeminded watered down Jews are not my Kosher friends. They are my Nazi enemy. Just like much of that devil's pit of Attornies in D.C.

I would rather die of a Nuclear blast than be subjected to those attornies in LA of the Nazi variety. And that Nazi has every colored haird and has my blood and others innocent blood on their hands.

I regret having trusted The VA. Not all are bad, but West LA VA is the anti-Christ's tool. See Schwarzenegger. Some will still walk after the Nuclear blasts. Think About it.

I have been through sheer terror and abuse and subjugation because I

trusted the Veterans Administration in Los Angeles after blowing the

whistle on my past employer, the Federal Deposit Insurance

Corporation, and their union the National Treasury Employees Union.

All of the details are at the site listed here

In short, the National Treasury Employees Union represents at least 29

federal agencies. There are dead people showing up, labeled suicides,

e.g. the past Regional Director of the FDIC in San Francisco. I have

been attacked on the highways in America, in 2001 and 2004. The

government gave me a felony for moving my belongings and parking on

Los Angeles Veterans Administration Property.

They forced injections on me for parking there and called me insane

for some claims that I made. One claim, a Sheriff was corrupt and

likely thieving has been proven. Nothing was done to him.

When I joined the military, my grandmother said, "Did you not learn

anything from Vietnam?" I now know what she meant. I did not serve

in Vietnam but I have learned that many in government do not care

whether we live or die.

A good movie that talks about service and the attitude of why bother

is titled, Johnny Brasco. I feel sick from the stress and abuse. They

forced a felony plea and I want to take it back but my LA attorney

seems to be waiting for more money or he is being held up by NTEU


Collusion in the NTEU, which oversees agencies including the IRS and

SEC can manipulate a company to wealth or ruin. The Border Patrol

smuggles Cocaine through them. Their atrocities are endless and I

wonder if they have not put a Nazi-Like regime in place through

employee appointments.

The Archimedes Principle illustrates my fears. For every drop of

water displaced, an equal amount of matter replaces each drop

displaced. By like fashion, the NTEU has restructured our governments

primary agencies with their Nazi-like Hoodlums in control.

Auditing states that F is a function of X in controlling collusion.

Meaning, you do not have one person or group have access to diverse

agencies or departments because it destroys the reliability of the

audit due to the effects of collusion. The design is wrong.

Demand that only one agency be allowed per employee union. An

internal union is best like the Postal Service Employees Union. You

would not want to check a dog for rabies in a Pen if two dogs were in

the pen with you alone. That is what has happened.

The NTEU expanded from one to many agencies under Richard Nixon. Now

they are mammoth in size and even have access to Uranium through the

Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

I feel sick. I have a scar in my mouth that I am not sure where it

came from. I fear they did something to me. It could just be stress.

I have been wrongfully labeled a felon. I am being forced to live in

California and if I want to visit family, I have to drive across

country. I was attacked for the second time on 3-12-2004. Details

are at the Mobile Audit Club site. You can find it on Yahoo search

engines and Webcrawler.

The NTEU site is here

I respect our veterans who believe in what they claim America to be,

which is fair and honest. That is passe. I have been battered,

injected, and blasphemed. I would rather had died as a teenager than

what I have been subjected to since 2000, and 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.

Demand that Kurt Austin Brown, California Convict (Forced Felony Plea)

X number X 017 911 84, be given a fair day in court or have his Felony

taken back to a misdemeanor or dropped.

The Los Angeles Veterans Administration is the plaintiff, although the

NTEU's FDIC and the NTEU's Secret Service have done most of the damage

to my life. The Los Angeles courts have proven themselves to be my

greatest terrorist.

I would leave the US but I am getting too old to bother. I hope no

other veterans have been subjected to what I experienced. The

greatest mistake I ever made was trusting government.

Have you known of anyone else who was mistreated in a medical and

physical and psychological sense? I hope not. The LA VA even did

forced experiments on Veterans. Those people are my enemy henceforth.

The NTEU is the most heinous entity since Adolf Hitler's SS.

I know that not all are bad in those agencies. But Archimedes

Principle and my observations, indicate that the evil may be too

entrenched. Disband the NTEU.

Demand One agency per union or no union at all!

America, Land of the free? Why are there so many prisons, and why do

I have to live in exile and run for my life when I cross the country.

What mafias are they? Who are we as a nation? It appears that

someone is trying to push into a state of anarchy by abusing the

populace. In that fashion, martial law is obtained and their control

solidified. I am directing my young relatives to realize that

American is one nation in a large world. However, I observe many of

the same conditions in other countries, and possibly even Canada.

They took my only defenses and have me drive across country like a

target puck. Why? The answer is obvious. We mean nothing to those

two-faced leaders. We need to clean our government. Perhaps our own

Archimedes Principle entrenchment will suffice. Never fire a vet.

Original: SOS..America Under Seige From Within...Google Soc.Veterans Group Blocked Also