Bush Iraq Anniversary- March 20 Protester-Terrorists (?)

by tommy Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004 at 9:33 PM
usoutamericas@lycos.ocm www.rebelion.org

The madness of GW Bush is awakening billions. Soon people everywhere will know that it is not Bush but most US people who love their system and their garages full of simple-minded polluting junk, crap, waste, crack and suffering

Bush Iraq Anniversar...
bushtank.jpg, image/jpeg, 150x230

Iraq War Anniversary: March 20 Terroristas


terrorism is when the powerful use threats or structures of oppression to get what they want. Usually this is not done out of need: the powerful have less terroristic ways to get what they want or what they need - so they have no excuse!

"But naturally I also feel uncomfortable due to the fact that we were misled with the information on weapons of mass destruction," said Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski.

President Bush in the chow line with troops at Fort Campbell, Ky., after delivering a speech, was asked about Kwasniewski's remarks but shook his head and said,

"I'm here to eat."

Kwasniewski said Poland may start withdrawing its troops from Iraq early next year, months earlier than the previously stated date of mid-2005. He cited progress toward stabilizing Iraq.

Spain's new government said it would pull its troops from Iraq by June 30 unless the U N takes over. Honduras has echoed this sentiment.

The 9,500-strong multinational force that Poland commands in south-central Iraq includes the 1,300 Spaniards.

A poll last week found 42 percent of adults in favor and 53 percent opposed.

Who are the Terrorists? By Who Who…WHO

Terrorism is the use of indiscriminate violence to achieve political aims through fear or intimidation. It is like extortion: You do this or I will do this. But we don’t call it extortion when you threaten to burn down your neighbor’s house because he parked his car on top of your child and he won’t move it and pay the costs. We call that self defense or justice.

For me terrorism is when the powerful use threats or structures of oppression to get what they want. And usually this is not done out of need. Usually the powerful have less terroristic ways to get what they want or what they need. Killing an animal specie is terrorism against the specie and the future. We are all guilty of that. Capitalism is terrorism against the poor, the workers, millions of species and our minds and hearts.

Everything about the US is terrorism, from its past to its present. Europe – especiall! y S pain and the UK- (with Poland struggling to get in on the game) also have the fresh blood of terrorism on their hands and are unlikely to wash it off. The attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq were terrorism. And that brings us to lies which can also be terrorism. All colonialism is terrorism. The US mining of Nicaragua’s harbors was terrorism as the World Court ruled. When the US spends 0 billion dollars on it’s military instead of spending a fifth of this sum to feed and care for the 40-80 million who will starve or die: this is terrorism. Global warming is global terrorism and when any of us do little to stop these crimes we are terrorists too.

Terrorism is institutionalized immorality.

To fight against terrorism is never terrorism – no matter who you kill. It is self defense and resistance. Anti-terrorists are not trying to get or take something, they are trying to stop others US-EU Empire) from doing something: occupying the West Bank; maintaining military! ba s es in Arabia, Ecuador, Puerto Rico; or driving your farmers bankrupt with unfair trade policies.


The term "terrorist" is label for one who is an active participant in a "terrorist act," be it through direct personal action, or through direct funding or logistical support in the goal of executing a terrorist act —at times the tacit definition is generalized to include "moral support" for a political agenda that can be associated with a "terrorist" group

Somebody Blew Up America by AMIRI BARAKA


They say its some terrorist,

some barbaric A Rab,

in Afghanistan

The real “They,” have murdered black people

Terrorized reason and sanity

And Most of humanity, as they pleases

They say (who say?)

Who do the saying

Who is them paying

Who tell the lies

Who in disguise

Who had the slaves

Who stole Puerto Rico

Who own them buildings

Who got the money

Who think you funny

Who locked you up

Who own the papers

Who owned the slave ship

Who run the army

Who the fake president

Who the ruler

Who the banker

Who? Who? Who?

Who own the mine

Who twist your mind

March 20: Marching Against War – For Awareness and Solidarity?

Midels Solomon

Will our footsteps drown out the Drums of War? Or interfere with our education?

As you go marching along in your comfortable new Nikes looking for the road to peace, try and stretch out yo! ur perspective. Try and stretch it to every location where there is war – especially US-sponsored war. This requires you to stretch around the world where you will find 10 million people marching outside the US. In London, Paris, Athens, Sao Paulo, Islamabad and Bogotá they will be marching against specific US crimes such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Colombia and the FTAA/WTO. While you are marching in the US imagine what it means that peace groups outside the US protest in such greater numbers and for clearer reasons: they understand who to blame: the US and all the greedy capitalists.

Maybe this difference between peace groups is because globalization and war threatens many more people outside the US. Maybe it is because they know better where war leads. Maybe they protest the US because only one country has ever killed large numbers of civilians with a weapon of mass destruction: 200,000 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the firebombing of Tokyo (100,000), Dresden (50-60,000) a! nd Hamburg (40-50,000) (the latter two with US bombs and UK-Canadian help). Remember that only two countries have used chemical weapons outside their borders to devastating effect: the German Nazis (3 million) and the US in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Colombia (600,000 – 1 million dead from chemicals and many millions of people and rich biological resources injured or contaminated forever, in a war that killed 3-5 million since 1945 and resulted in millions more dying from hunger and disease). And the deaths and birth defects continue year after year, generation to generation. [1]

Whenever a bomb explodes anywhere, most people blame the US… many think the bombs are made in the USA.

Only one country has ever had such a great air force, army or navy – or so many foreign bases.

Only one country has ever locked up so many of its people. Ponder, if you please, that the US is the least sustainable country in the world and has one of the most questionable democ! rac ies. John Kennedy got us into Vietnam and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba; Johnson cruelly escalated the war; Carter was involved in the Indonesian massacres in East Timor, instigated the covert terrorist invasion of Nicaragua, and set the tone for US relations with Islamic regimes that Bush builds his war on; Clinton started the war with Al Qaeda and Afghanistan when he bombed Sudan and Afghanistan with hundreds of cruise missiles and authorized assassinations – oh and Clinton signed the Salvage Rider and thought-up the Plan Colombia toxic spray program that he knew would turn into another US intervention in a civil war. Yugoslavia-Kosovo-Somalia…

Now our – “choices” - are John Kerry ready to increase military spending and Hillary Clinton ready to re-institute the military draft!

The elite in nearly every country – that one percent or so that control most of the lands, factories and military (and its industrial complex) – they call the shots and control wh! oev e r is elected. There really can’t be democracy as long as there are rich people – as long as there is gross inequality of resources, education and incomes.

Only one country has ever polluted so much, built and maintained so many nuclear weapons or funded so many death squads.

The US is the only wealthy country of significance that refuses to sign on to the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty, The International Criminal Court, the Land Mine Treaty and many more international agreements.

Only one country has committed so many crimes with so little justification. If people in the US contributed as much in foreign aid as the people in Denmark, the Netherlands or Norway, then almost all of the world’s problems could be quickly solved [2]. One forth of the US defense budget could save 40 to 80 million lives who are lost each year to easily preventable causes. [3]

Hispanics in the US send almost twice as much foreign aid back to their relatives in Latin America! as t he US government spent on foreign aid for the whole world. [4] And most US foreign aid is to high income countries like Israel, for military assistance or what is called tied aid where the recipient country has to use the aid to buy US products. This kind of aid is not aid at all.

Don’t stop Marching. Start marching in sync and solidarity with a whole wounded world that wants much more than the absence of war – they want sustainability and greater equality. And they are watching our steps with anticipation and with some fear.


[1]. (UK Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/weekend/story/0,3605,923715,00.html )

[2]. http://www.guardian.co.uk/theissues/article/0,6512,669450,00.html; and http://www.globalissues.org/TradeRelated/Debt/USAid.asp#GovernmentsCuttingBackonPromisedResponsibilities; and http://www.oneworld.org/ips2/jul98/23_13_097.html

[3]. http://borgenproject.org/Issues.html

[4]. http://washingtontimes.com/national/20031124-103208-4335r.! htm [5] Misc. trivia: US and Kissinger involvement in Argentine terror and torture activities in 1976-1983: http://www.foreignaidwatch.org

Bush Makes Enemies as He Seeks to Isolate

the US and

Provoke Its People to Greater Terror

BY Salmish Stefarraza

Indigenous people are rising up throughout the Americas. Many thousands and soon millions are joining armed guerrilla armies. When the normally reserved and isolationist indigenous peoples are unifying, becoming politically active and radicalizing one knows that something monumental is in the offing. NGOs will tell you that this is because they are forced to fight. SO ? - Neutrality is never real, never appropriate and never positive -

Bush was right and truthful -

you are either with me or against me.

Increasingly indigenous people, Latin America peasants, European governments and NGOs around the world have chosen sides - though of course some are timidly diplomatic and most are scared.

Today as thousands of Iraqis protest the US occupation anniversary, we in Latin America march in opposition to the endless war policies of the US government. The USA has been at war since 1942 – 62 years – I think it is time that we put this imperialist war into retirement – 62 years – and how many dead. The dead millions and those who suffer in the wake of this murderous rampage for greed and power are not the things which should bother us the most. It is the structures of oppression and violence – built so solidly by both of the corporate-war parties: the Democrats and t! he Republicans – that we should fear and feel so guilty about. These policies – let us call them International Fascism – are worse that words or labels can communicate.

US fascists have backed dictatorships and trained nearly 100,000 foreign soldiers – in Latin America alone – at the SOA. There they learned discipline, torture, assassination and sophisticated strategies of low intensity warfare – slow massacres – designed to terrorize the democratic movements of the poor.

ow John Kerry selects rightwing former Bush jr. terror warriors to lead his campaign – liars and criminals like Rand Beers and others soon to be announced. Voting is hilariously ridiculous - as billions are realizing - without a meaningful vote there are only two options: capitulation and surrender to US enslavement - OR ...

See Narconews search for Beers or visit:




by Salvio Allende •

The madness of GW Bush is awakening billions. Soon people everywhere will know that it is not Bush but most US people who love their system and their garages full of simple-minded polluting junk, crap, waste, crack and suffering

Original: Bush Iraq Anniversary- March 20 Protester-Terrorists (?)