Nations of Periphery Have a Right to Weapons of Mass Destruction!!!

by John Paul Cupp Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 at 9:30 AM

March 8th Editorial of the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network

Nations of Periphery Have a Right to Weapons of Mass Destruction!!!

With the recent coup d' etat in Haiti, coming straight out of the Pentagon, again we see the arrogance of the US. In fact, since the 1990's at least 40 such operations have occured. The clear lesson is that by negotiating with Imperialism on matters of National Security and Independence, and without relying first and foremost on the gun, the full or partial ruin of national self-determination is inevitable. Because, this overwhelming facts are clear, and the majority of "Anti-War" forces in the US, are acting as the "Left-wing" / "radical" mouthpiece of the Imperialist, I write this piece.


Nations of Periphery ("third world") have a right to weapons of mass destruction. Nothing is more clear or simply stated. I think we all heard the Neo-cons and all other stratas of the Imperialist Bourgiese, in their clamours for war, making referance to President Saddam Hussein and the (clearly false) allegations of a "Weapons of Mass Destruction" program. Those of us in the Anti-US/ Anti-Zionist camp made clear then, despite being squelched by Liberal Accomodations Mouthpieces, that though we were certain Iraq did not posses WMD's, even if they did we were ( and still are) on the side of Iraq, in their Struggle against Imperialist and Zionist Designs. Dr Abdel Samara in his essay Arab Popular Classes’ Guerrillas Confront World Capitalism in Iraq, echoed this opinion saying "It is a given right of all nations of periphery to produce Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in order to protect their peoples and wealth from the expected aggressions of capitalism in the era of globalization. Consequently, this school of thought assumes that it is a high priority for the Arabs to protect themselves by WMD against two enemies: the Zionist Ashkenazi regime and the center of global capitalism in general and the United States-Britain alliance in particular."In fact, the question was brought up if Iraq should have had weapons of mass destruction as a deterrant force!

Whatever differances, small or large, one may have had with the Ba'athist "regime" in Iraq, it is to their credit that they did develop large scale science and technology, which has produced much of the armements for guerrilla warfare used against the occupiers. Their is no doubt that the question of supporting the Resistance in Iraq, is a litmus test between principled and opertunistic stances. Every time a GI Mercenary "comes home in a body bag" Imperialism is one step closer to doom. This is not hatred or sensationalism. This is objective reality. That said, while we in the US are buidling solid and ever-expanding Pro-Resistance Forces, in the past we ultimately faild to prevent the war, and even worse MANY OF US WENT ALONG WITH THE CRIMINAL AND GENOCIDAL EMBARGO. The reason for that comes down to the very root of the opertunistic nature of "anti-war" forces in the US. We towed the line (all be it to the "left") of the imperialist pole. Instead of rallying the masses behind full and unconditional support for Iraq, we demonized its leadership, going so far as to equate Saddam Hussein with the Imperialists, and we demanding Iraq comply with UN regulations which were aimed at interfering in their national independence, and at eliminating their defense capacity.

We must support the Armed Resistance in Iraq ( as well as in ARAB Palestine and Afghanistan), and we should use the past to learn valuable lessons for the future. It is without a doubt, that nations around the world are well aware of the barbaric nature of the Imperialist/Zionist Global Dictatorship, and of the fact that one can not persuade it "rationally", or "peacefully co-exist" with it. Without a doubt attempting to win favor with the "International Community" ( a bunch of Pro-US bootlicks, and a flock of idiots brain-washed by zionist think tanks) will not reduced the threat of aggression or place one's nation in a postion of strengh when aggression occurs ( including economic aggression such as blockades or embargoes, etc).

No nation on earth has leveled a more heroic and principled blow to the US, than the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). The DPRK, Led by Marshal Kim Jong Il, initiated what is called the "Songun Politics", which places priority in Military affiairs, and uniting the masses in single hearted unity. Their philoshophical principle of "Juche" is a human-centered philosophy, which due to its understanding of the socio-political, creative, and independent nature of humanity has raise the DPRK to the position of a small nation partitioned in two, literally striking fear in the hearts of today's predators! We should all unite around the Nuclear stance of the DPRK, instead of demonizing it, rally behind its leadership, thankful to see a 7 million strong army with Guns and Nuclear Weapons to the heads of Bush jr. and Rumsfeld. Rather than demonzing the DPRK's stance, which is clearly defensive, we should demand the US sign a non-aggression treaty with the DPRK, exit its troops from south Korean Soil at once, and withdrawl its embargo on them.

The DPRK is not the only nation saying no to the US. Just this week, the leadership of Zimbabwe, following the Example of His Excellancy, President Robert Mugabe, told the US in no uncertain terms to "Go to Hell!" Great job Brothers and Sisters of Zimbabwe! Nothing would be more beautiful than to see LARGE SCALE NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAMS coming out of Harare as it confiscates land from the white European Colonizers of African and returns it to the hands of the toiling masses!!! Taking an "ultra-leftist" or "left-wing of the imperialist pole" stance on Zimbabwe right now is objectively supporting Imperialism, just as what was done by supporting Imperialism in Iraq during the criminal sanctions.

Congradulations to all nations of periphery which have developed Weapons of Mass Destructions!

It is understandable that no one would want to live in a world were weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons exist, but we do not live in a fairy tale. Only implied for can prevent and defend against predators. Those of you in the US, dedicated to a world free of WMD's should demand UNILATERAL destruction them, coming first and foremost by the Imperialists, and in a spirit of rejecting "israel's" right to exist, as an illegitamite product of colonialism on Arab Soil. In otherwords, anything to destroy or contain imperialism and zionism we support, even violence caused by weapons of mass destruction, and all act of the aggressors, wheither political, economic, or military we oppose. Let's make the US get its mercenaries off of foreign soil, SURRENDER UNCONDITIONALLY in Iraq, withdrawl support for Zionism, and for all Comprador Military Dictatorships, etc, and then maybe we can talk.

Solidarity with the people Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran, Palestine, Korea, Zimbabwe, Venezuala, Cuba, Haiti, and the world!!!

No to Demonization!!!

Yes to Bush the little Breathing down the Barrel of a Gun!!!

Yes to Nukes in Rumsfeld's mouth telling him to SHUT UP!!!

--- John Paul Cupp