US military Bases Must Go: Radical Magazine

US military Bases Must Go: Radical Magazine

by Adios: US Military Thursday, Mar. 04, 2004 at 8:02 PM

There is a pathertic disease of confused thinking - Its Called We Are Everywhere - or The Carnival of Resistance - It works for the Capitalists - becuase it is afraid of power. Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich are proponents.,, the Alternative Press Review and possibly ainfos all tout this "Consciousness of Fear and Immaturity"

In the longrun this will help the real resistance - the people who have nothing left to fear - because sooner or later these gringoo children, spoiled European couch-rebels and false leaders will see how bad they have been deceived - tricked - conned.

There is a Global War going on and the only worth studying, meeting about or doing is actions and organizing that can change the whole system - and the target is always - to stop the US - to get US military-espionage death squads out of all countries.

We can all have our personalized utopian goals - and we nbelieve they are pretty much the same - but goals are not tactis or strategy - and a strategy of resistance - and tactics for the coming brutal struggles are what we need - not balbbering circular resoning from shallow anarchists.

A future of Anarchy yes - it is probably 25-50 years away - what we face now is a long and bloody - probably futile - struggle against the most vicious and well -armed (weapons and propaganda) fascisct regime in history.

We already have a Carnival - now we need to fight to keep it open - fight the fascists outised (corporations) and the fascists inside the Carnival tent too - the fascists who want to order our thinking and keep us from uniting in a common front to take the power and devolve it to the people.


Post-Left Anarchy:
Neither Left, nor Right, but Autonomous

Post-left anarchy is not something new and different. It's neither a political program nor an ideology. It's not meant in any way to constitute some sort of faction or sect within the more general anarchist milieu. It's in no way an opening to the political right; the right and left have always had much more in common with each other than either has in common with anarchism. And it's certainly not intended as a new commodity in the already crowded marketplace of pseudo-radical ideas. It is simply intended as a restatement of the most fundamental and important anarchist positions within the context of a disintegrating international political left.

If we want to avoid being taken down with the wreckage of leftism as it crumbles, we need to fully, consciously and explicitly dissociate ourselves from its manifold failures—and especially from the invalid presuppositions of leftism which led to these failures. This doesn't mean that it's impossible for anarchists to also consider themselves leftists—there has been a long, most often honorable, history of anarchist and left syntheses. But it does mean that in our contemporary situation it is not possible for anyone—even left-anarchists—to avoid confronting the fact that the failures of leftism in practice require a complete critique of leftism and an explicit break with every aspect of leftism implicated in its failures.

Left anarchists can no longer avoid subjecting their own leftism to intensive critique. From this point on it is simply not sufficient (not that it really ever has been) to project all the failures of leftism onto the most explicitly obnoxious varieties and episodes of leftist practice, like Leninism, Trotskyism and Stalinism. The critiques of leftist statism and leftist party organization have always been only the tip of a critique that must now explicitly encompass the entire iceberg of leftism, including those aspects often long incorporated into the traditions of anarchist practice. Any refusal to broaden and deepen the criticism of leftism constitutes a refusal to engage in the self-examination necessary for genuine self-understanding. And stubborn avoidance of self-understanding can never be justified for anyone seeking radical social change.

We now have the unprecedented historical opportunity, along with a plenitude of critical means, to recreate an international anarchist movement that can stand on its own and bow to no other movements. All that remains is for all of us to take this opportu­nity to critically reformulate our anarchist theories and reinvent our anarchist practices in light of our most fundamental desires and goals.

Reject the reification of revolt. Leftism is dead! Long live anarchy