Hacktivists Deface Dare.com in Act of Electronic Civil Disobedience

by LaughingALot Tuesday, Mar. 02, 2004 at 6:22 AM

Hackers have targeted dare.com in political protest of the criminalization of marijuana, the hypocrisy of the war on drugs, and the indoctrination of today's youth through the DARE program.

Hackers have targeted dare.com in political protest of the criminalization of marijuana, the hypocrisy of the war on drugs, and the indoctrination of today's youth through the DARE program.

"The establishment continues to ignore the positive psychological benefits of mind altering chemicals are used responsibly for the personal exploration of consciousness. Marijuana, both harmless to society and ourselves, is not the problem. Marijuana laws are the problem. Millions of innocent people are unjustly imprisoned while corporate criminals and war mongers are trusted to the highest positions of our government."

The website was defaced on Feb 29, 2004 with pro-legalization messages, criticisms of the DARE program, justifications for electronic civil disobedience, and links to dozens of websites where people can learn about the legalization movement, mind-expanding chemicals, political activism, and more.

The hackers have done no permanent damage to the systems, or released any sort of confidential data - in fact, the hackers actually fixed the security holes to combat the media stereotype that hackers are malicious and destructive with a loose sense of social ethics.

"We aren't malicious, destructive, or have a loose sense of ethics like the government, corporate media, or right-wing maniacs would like to spin it. Those who open-minded and curious enough to do the research and actually try to understand us will realize that we have a highly refined sense of social ethics, more than the machinery of the state will ever have."

The hackers have also posted a flyer to help build for the demonstrations against the Republican National Convention around August 30.

The defacement is mirrored at http://www.freewebs.com/daredeface/

Original: Hacktivists Deface Dare.com in Act of Electronic Civil Disobedience