Los Angeles...My enemy till death

by X Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2004 at 6:33 AM
Los Angeles, the land where the pedophile humps Jesus

Los Angeles has torn my life apart. The federal Government and the Local Government with the help of Alabama and Louisiana corrupt government. The joke is on me and you...The Treasury Department is rife with Corruption and Dead Men are trailing

Your life means nothing and neither does mine to the governments of Los Angeles and the Federal government of America, or just about anywhere. It is an entity dieing for change.

Get details on the Treasury heist at the Mobile Audit Club site


Then, send an email or call the Governator or the other enemy of the common man, the President, of those elite corrupt factions and say,

Kill Kurt Brown or let him go you Yellow Bellied Nazi Kosher Pud Suckers.

America....I could live without it.

Original: Los Angeles...My enemy till death