"Kucitizens" Take Their Message to the Freeway Overpasses

by Eric Einem Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004 at 11:37 AM

In Los Angeles and accross the Nation, many tens-of-thousands of people saw Kucinich banners hanging on overpasses and in public places on Saturday February 7th. Kucinich volunteers took to the overpasses and other public places to get out Kucinich's message. When asked about reasons they are out on the street supporting Kucinich, volunteers refer to Kucinich's plan to get out of Iraq in 90 days, support of single-payer health care and spending more money on domestic needs rather than on military along with other important issues.

"Kucitizens" Take Their Message to the Freeway Overpasses
On Saturday, February 7th

In Los Angeles and accross the Nation, many tens-of-thousands of people saw Kucinich banners hanging on overpasses and in public places on Saturday February 7th. Kucinich volunteers took to the overpasses and other public places to get out Kucinich's message. When asked about reasons they are out on the street supporting Kucinich, volunteers refer to Kucinich's plan to get out of Iraq in 90 days, support of single-payer health care and spending more money on domestic needs rather than on military along with other important issues.

Click on a picture to view a large version. Use your browser's Back button to return to this page. All of these pictures were taken on Saturday, February 7th.

Santa Monica, California
"Kucitizens hung banners throughout the city over the weeking in a variety of places..." - Santa Monica Daily News, Feb 8th.

It was great to drive through Santa Monica and see Kucinich banner after banner!! Some of us went directly to designated overpasses or public locations and many of us met at a pick-up location to get banners and directions. Approximately 15 banners were displayed with about 36 volunteers. This doesn't include volunteers that participated in other surrounding areas including Encino, Alhambra, and Thousand Oaks. If Dennis Kucinich wasn't running, I wouldn't be out here campaigning for any of the candidates. Others are welcome to join in our upcomming banner events, visit www.sfv4dennis.org/banners for information- Eric Einem.

Distributing Banners in Santa Monica at 11:30 AM

Sunset Blvd and Pacific Coast Highway

Pacific Coast Highway and California Incline

Pacific Coast Highway and California Incline

Pacific Coast Highway and California Incline

Santa Monica Pier

Zack and I held up a banner from about 12 noon until 3pm at the Santa Monica Promenade location and I think it had a huge impact. We talked to several people, but mostly practically everyone read the banner and would even turn around as they were walking to read it. We started by the Farmers Market on Arizona and 3rd, where the police did hassle us a bit but just made us move to the sidewalk area. We stayed there for about 30 min. then when we saw a bunch of Dean supporters come out with their measly little handheld signs to compete with us (ha!) we decided to moved down the promenade. We found a great spot on the corner of Santa Monica and 3rd with even more pedestrian traffic plus car traffic as well and stood there for another hour then for the last hour walked down to Broadway and 3rd for pedestrian and traffic exposure. Overall I would say it made an important impact and I think we should be doing this every weekend. I have a great banner and would welcome anyone interested in helping for the same time this coming Saturday. - Susan Nowak
Santa Rosa Pictures
We displayed the banner Santa Rosa in the downtown Corby Avenue Corridor over U.S. 101. Over-all I would say the experience was fantastic. We had from 6 to 9 people up there at any one time waving to the people in the cars passing underneath. I would say that we had many honks and waves from people. but as you can imagine there are always those who are of a different view and mentality and that is to be expected. But I would have to rate the response from the people on a scale from one to ten as a 6.5. We calculated that somewhere between 10,000 and 11,000 cars passed underneath us in the two hour period. We reached a lot of people in a very short period of time.
Maureen of Santa Rosa
Lexington Kentucky
Here's a group in Lexington Kentucky braving cold and wind to hold a banner over an I-75 overpass on Saturday Feb 7.

For additional information on the Kucinich Overpass Banner Media group, vistit