Why War Now?

by Ray Duran Cruz Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004 at 7:07 AM

The question is not why are we fighting now, but why did we start this fight?

Why War Now?

The question is not why are we fighting now,

but why did we start this fight?

Did we carefully evaluate the true price of freedom,

or did we hastily gamble because of political or self-serving motives?

To update an old cliché:

When gods (rich people) fight, (poor) people die!

Do we give thanks to god,

or do we give tanks to Bush (and the precious lives of our children)?

Are the new jobs we have been promised by our administration

stuffed within the uniforms of our military services?

These are the jobs that are often the only means of livelihood

for thousands of loyal young men and women.

Is the poor economy actually a boon to the war-loving (silent) minority?

Sorry for being so trite, but since my nephew is now in Iraq,

a proud member of the US Army Rangers,

I wanted to ask these simple questions before they become an obituary

for another truly beautiful young man.

If you have a relative or friend in the military service,

please feel free to add your own comments.

Ray Cruz

Original: Why War Now?