God, Freedom and the Separation of LIBERALS and State

by Jan Ireland Wednesday, Jan. 07, 2004 at 12:46 AM

"Liberals want no iota of religious speech, image, or thought anywhere in public -- if it is Christian. They allow and even encourage expressions of Islam."

God, Freedom and the Separation of LIBERALS and State

MensNewsDaily.com, January 4, 2004

God has been a problem for marxists, communists, socialists, and atheists for millennia, but especially so since the founding of America. These liberals have never been able to explain away the Declaration of Independence listing Liberty as God's gift to humanity. But they have been succeeding at erecting a 'wall' between church and state in America, and they are systematically banishing God from public view. While claiming to enforce the Constitution's ban on church and state (not true, doesn't exist), they have actually simply pushed into prominence their own 'religion' of secularism. For God and Freedom's sake in America, we need separation of LIBERALS -- not church -- and state.

The fictitious issue of separation of church and state pops up in America about as often as the twelve o'clock time blinks when power returns to VCRs after an outage. Just as often, somewhere in America, liberals demand that graduation speeches have no mention of the God; schools have no prayer; public employees wear no crosses; and public buildings display no Ten Commandments. They seek to ban our Pledge of Allegiance, remove In God We Trust from our money, and remove So Help Me God from court procedures.

Liberals want no iota of religious speech, image, or thought anywhere in public -- if it is Christian. They allow and even encourage expressions of Islam. One group of seventh graders had to fast during Ramadan and pick a personal jihad. Kwanzaa, the made up holiday, can have its accoutrements displayed, but saying even the name Christmas can get you suspended.

Their claim that they are protecting the rights of all, by erasing every shred of Christianity, is manifestly false. Their elevation of secularism to the level of religion, while pretending in Orwellian doublespeak that it is not happening, is spectacularly specious and completely self-serving. When their 'religion' is allowed, the state takes over as 'god', and liberals have reign to control our very lives, including the removal of our freedom -- since anything granted by the state can be taken away by the state.

Many have wondered why liberals go after the Christian religion so maniacally, especially when this particular religion was largely responsible for the founding of our country, and for virtually all the good things that built our country. The answer is simple. History shows clearly that if marxists, communists, socialists and atheists cannot curtail liberty -- they cannot exist. Religion is the expression of man's connection to God. Liberals cannot trump God, but the state can if it moves God far enough out of the way. This is why liberals froth to a frenzy to suppress the Christian religion.

Extremely wealthy liberals are pouring tens of millions of dollars into defeating George Bush in next year's election. They say it is because he is losing the war on terror and ruining America's economy. Since both these statements are laughably false, and easily disproved, there must be a deeper reason. Undoubtedly it is George Bush's belief in God, and his certainty that Freedom is God's gift to humanity. All humanity. Imagine how threatening those ideas are to liberals.

Then imagine a world where every person knows God, and God's gift of Freedom. Marxists, communists, socialists, and atheists -- cannot. Those who know God -- not a particular denomination, not a particular name -- can tear down this liberal wall by demanding the freedom of religious expression guaranteed in America's Constitution. Marxists, communists, socialists, and atheists will certainly take away that freedom if we do not.

Jan Ireland

Jan Ireland is a freelance writer from the great state of Texas. She is a Guest Writer at Opinion Editorials and a Contributor to Renew America.

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Original: God, Freedom and the Separation of LIBERALS and State